Using Your Voice to Manifest
December 22, 2017
Manifestation through Prayer
January 3, 2018Here we are at the close of another year… and what a year it has been! Change on many levels… including personal. For me, there have been many shifts in my internal world (which of course are reflected in my outer world), so much so that I almost feel like a different person.
Of course, I am not – but perhaps more of my true self. After all, that is the nature of personal transformation.
Earlier in the year a message came – a suggestion really – to create a workshop incorporating forgiveness work, the chakras and the Diamond Ray energy. I sat on the fence with the idea for a while and then put it on the back burner.
Out of sight and out of mind… until all of a sudden, a few days before Christmas, I woke up with the name CLEAN SLATE, and the words, “It’s time!”
I knew exactly what it was in reference to – that healing protocol tucked away in my consciousness. I also knew it was important for me personally, considering all the changes this past year. In myself… in friendships and relationships, even in my general way of being and expressing myself.So I lay in bed in the early hours of the day and gave the whole thing to myself! All I can say is Wow! I immediately felt so peaceful and zen. So good. I was detached from any stress and expectations, and I’ve stayed that way all through the holidays. Even as I write this, I still have this peaceful feeling in my core.
It was such a beautiful process… and apparently just what I needed… that I have decided to offer it as an online healing experience, and I’ve specially priced to help you start the New Year off with a clean slate too! I’ll be facilitating it on Wednesday, January 3rd.
I invite to join me Live or on the replay where you can choose to let go of any conscious or unconscious emotional attachments and connect to that deep state of peace within.
You’ll find the registration and all the details for the CLEAN SLATE workshop here.
Start the New Year right!