Twin Flames & Soul Mates Explained

Do you have a twin flame? What happens when you meet them? What are soul mates? Twin Flame expert Elle Hari joins me to discuss twin flames and the twin flame journey in depth.   

In episode 146: Elle shares her own experience, the spiritual purpose of the twin flame journey and offers tips on how to navigate the intense emotions and how to come back into balance and wholeness.   

Visit Elle Hari at

Reference: Book “Twin Flames Exposed” by Elle Hari  

Exploring Dimensions

What is a dimension? How are they structured? What role do they have in our spiritual evolution? Psychic visionary Anthony Teresi joins me to discuss his introduction to dimensions and the dimensions he has visited.   In episode 146 – Visits from the Spirit World; Vibrational frequency; Inner journeys; Higher evolved civilizations; Black holes and portals; Elevating consciousness; The role of beliefs; Parting of the veil; Traversing the 5th dimensional realities; Transformation; Transcendence; Cosmic Consciousness; Divinity; Unity and more…   

Visit Anthony at  

Reference: Book “Rippling Waves” by Anthony Teresi   

Ancestral Healing Through Your Eyes

Discover the Irigenics system of eye reading to determine ancestral patterns and gifts. Meet the creator, Amy Gillespie Dougherty. A bit like tea leaf reading, ancestral eye readings can shed light on patterns, cautions for predispositions, and uncover undiscovered gifts.

In episode 148 – Irigenics vs Iridology; The birth of Irigenics; Personality traits indicated in the eyes; Ancestral images reflected in the eyes and what they show us; Healing the ancestral line; What can change in the eye and what doesn’t; Personality predispositions; Relationship issues; and more…

Visit Amy Gillespie Dougherty at or

Reference: Irigenics right/left difference video

Neuroplasticity ~ How to Use the Power of Your Mind to Create the Life of Your Dreams

Is it enough to simply put your intention out to the Universe and just wait? Discover your brain’s amazing role in your ability to create your life the way you want it.

In episode 149: Science and the Law of Attraction; Your brain’s role in transforming your life; Do you have the ability to change? Using logic and action for transformation; Rewiring old thoughts and patterns; Using the Transformation Personality Type quiz to guide your actions; Personality archetypes; Remembering the magic.

My guest is Bob Doyle, Law of Attraction coach from The Secret. Bob now focuses on neuroplasticity as a transformation tool. Visit Bob at Take the Transformation Personality Type (TPT) quiz at

Reclaim Your Spiritual Power

Where do we give our power away and how do we get it back? Spiritual teacher and mystic, Adam C Hall joins me to discuss the universal root cause of our disempowerment, how it takes us away from our true selves, and how to reclaim our power. In episode 150: Mayan influences; Humanity’s Great Awakening happening NOW; Separation vs Unity Consciousness; Working with spirit guides; Meeting an Ascended Master; Shamanic practices; True forgiveness; Gratitude; Becoming your Light, and more…

Visit Adam C Hall at 

REFERENCE: Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve by Adam C Hall

Is there a Formula for Miracles?

Is there a formula for miracles? Are miracles available to everyone?  What role do you have in attracting miracles?  Brent Michael Phillips, former MIT engineer turned spiritual healer  shares his journey from dis-eased and depressed to healed and inspired, and how he created a codified formula to create miracles, experience healing and boost manifestation power.

Visit Brent at

Tao Calligraphy for Healing

Master Sha returns to share his Tao Calligraphy technique which has created thousands of healing miracles. Learn exactly how to do it to and have an experience to bring healing into your life with Tao Calligraphy, a light ball visualization and the Love-Peace-Harmony Song.   

In episode 152 – Love Peace Harmony Healing song received as a divine download; Ancient wisdom of Shen Chi Jing teaching; Tao Calligraphy; Miracle healings; Healing breath visualization, and many more insights into spiritual healing. 

To fully experience the healing segments int his episode, please watch the video version available at

Visit Master Sha at  or   

Reference: Love Peace Harmony Song available at  

Book: Tao Calligraphy Healing Field: An Information System with Six Sacred Tao Techniques to Empower You to Heal and Transform Your Life by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha 

Book: Tao Science: The Science, Wisdom, and Practice of Creation and Grand Unification by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, Dr. Rulin Xi

Chiron, the Wounded Healer & You

Meet astrologer, Katie Alyse, who shares both the challenges and the gifts that Chiron offers us. In episode 153, Chiron in mythology; What Chiron represents in astrology; Its gifts and its teachings; Chiron in all 12 houses explained; Current Collective Chiron energy; How to navigate Chiron challenges… and more.

Visit Katie at or on Instagram at

The Journey from Fear to Love

What is this journey called life all about? Psychotherapist Patti Henry joins us to share how we can move past our history and through our current life challenges, moving from a life based in fear into a life that offers love and acceptance and peace.  Sharing her own journey, Patti offers us an intimate look at life’s wounds and how they can help us grow, growing up with an alcoholic father and surviving brain cancer.  

Visit Patti at

Reference:  Patti’s books: Two Lifetimes: From Fear to Love, The Emotionally Unavailable Man

Your Body Knows the Truth

Your body is a truth detector!  Learn how to be in your body and harness it as a guide that will enhance your life. My guest is healer and relationship coach, Carolin Hauser.     

In episode 155:  The nature of energy and vibration; David Hawkins’ Power vs Force and the Map of Consciousness; Awakening your pleasure IQ; How to know if you are in your body; Learn what a “yes” feels like and a “no” feels like; How to raise your vibration; What kind of changes are possible when you learn to follow your pleasure and bliss.

Visit Carolin at

The Energy of Money

If everything is energy, including money, how can you change your relationship energetically with money to invite in more freedom and choice? Meet consciousness junkie Molly Mandelberg, who shares her story of coming to peace with money and how that shifted her life.  

In episode 156: Discovering your relationship with money; Learn how to align with the energy of money to create more flow; Changing your vibration; Journaling; Find peace with money; Manifesting money.  

Visit Molly at:  

Peace with Money Course:

The Magnetic Leader’s Next Steps Masterclass June 28, 2022:  

MagIC Influencer Collective:    

Linda’s Master Your Money Mind healing intensive:

Soul Writing to Communicate with Your Higher Self

Can everyone communicate with their Higher Self?  Do you know how to connect with your angels or spirit guides and helpers?  Spiritual teacher and past life therapist Joanne DiMaggio shares how.  

In episode 157:  Learning how to Soul Write; The difference between Soul Writing and automatic writing; the benefits of Soul Writing; How you can use it; Tips on how to do it; Edgar Cayce and the A.R.E.   

Visit Joanne at


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