How do Books, TV & Media Affect Your Energy, Vibration & Consciousness
Do books, TV, and other media affect your consciousness and your energetic system? How can you know if this is this happening to you? Are we getting vibrational upgrades when we read certain books? What does that feel like? How to know if it is happening to you. Language is a form of magic. Books and language can induce a trance state. Hear how a book by Deepak Chopra had this affect on Linda, and how other synchronicities began showing up for her. How does the world reflect what is inside of us? How do our beliefs get projected out to the world, and affect our perception of what is real? How do our beliefs get reflected in our experiences? The placebo effect is changing! Is the power to heal ourselves increasing? The I Ching; How this book ‘speaks’ to Michelle, and even has a sense of humor! We hope you enjoy Exploring the Mystical Side of Life!
Auras, Energy, Intuition | Past Lives | Opening Your Third Eye
In this episode: Do we have more than one lifetime? How to see your past life selves using a candle and mirror; How to interpret past life experiences in different ways; How to see past lives, energy fields, and auras. Huna technique of extending your peripheral vision called hakala. Does it matter if the ‘past life’ was real? Are they metaphorical messages? How to interpret them to get the messages we need to navigate our current situations and to learn the most we can from them. Reference:
Resonance & the Law of Attraction
We attract according to our aura, our energetic frequency. What is resonance and why is it important to clear up our ‘baggage.’ Learn about the law of attraction; how to know how you are ‘vibrating’ based on what is going on in your life; how can we possibly choose difficulties – things happen for us, not to us. Where does our vibration come from? What to do when everything sucks… (And it’s not helpful to pretend everything feels good when it doesn’t.) Feel what we are feeling… then, strive for a higher emotion. Half of the battle is being willing to let go of our story, and cultural stories that do not serve us. How does all of this translate to physical health? What is the relationship between raising our vibration and improving our physical health. The world does not always acknowledge ‘resonance’; we may not always be able to change our circumstances, but we can choose how we respond, instead of reacting.
The Power of Your Words
How do your words impact the creation of your life? Learn how the unconscious mind interprets your words and takes direction from them; The difference between high and low energy words, How to “feel” the energy of words. The importance of language in hypnosis; How words affect your physical body; How your attention directs your unconscious. Negative thinking takes you in the direction you are thinking; the difference between “going towards” or “away from” in thought and goal setting. The Law of Attraction, manifestation and creation; Why dating your goals is important; Imagination vs Willpower; How your unconscious can not determine what is real and what isn’t. (It thinks everything is real!) Linda’s guest is Dr Yvonne Oswald, author of Every Word Has Power and creator of the Mind Magic technique for clearing negative emotions. Visit Dr Yvonne at
Raising Your Vibration Strategies
Here we share tips for how we raise our vibration and make shifts… people often ‘want’ to raise their vibration, but the question is ‘how do I do it’? Michelle shares a story about the amazing car ride of joy, using segment intention Let’s say you want to raise your vibration, so that you can resonate with a higher quality life. How do you do that? Welcome to Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. In this episode we share tips, tricks, and hacks to do that! Learn about certain types of music that makes it easy to shift your brainwaves in the easiest way, helping you to raise your vibration. Learn tools to connect with your Spirit quickly and easily. Learn what to put in your bath water to clean your aura.
How to Read the I-Ching for Guidance
Find out what an “I-Ching” reading (Book of Changes) is like. In this episode, Linda asks a question, Michelle does a reading using the Book and gives Linda her interpretation. Find out what happens… Learn how to use the I-Ching for yourself; Increase your intuition; Get guidance in all areas of your life! I-Ching is an ancient text with a great deal of wisdom available to anyone who is willing to ask their question. You’ll learn how to use the book in this conversation. The answers are often direct even when they are poetic!
Spirit Teachings & the Importance of You Being You
In this episode, Linda shares some teachings she is receiving from her Guides. This goes deep and we discuss Soul Expression vs. Codependent relationships. Her Guides share insights into how we each experience reality in a unique way, and how this impacts our relationships with others, and guidance on how to work with the Chambers of The Heart and heal what needs to be healed. They also teach about how important it is for us to be our Authentic Selves in all our relationships. Often the information comes in holistically and holographically as a download, and while we live in a linear dimension, we need to interpret the information and integrate it.
How to Use Prayer as a Manifestation Tool
Thoughts create and words have power! In this episode, learn tips on how to use intentions and prayer as an effective tool for manifestation; the difference between a declaration prayer and an ‘asking for’ prayer; how to direct universal energy, how to use prayer for alignment and transformation. Thank you for listening to EXPLORING THE MYSTICAL SIDE OF LIFE. Our guest is Jennifer Urezzio, author of Soul Language and A Little Book of Prayers. For more info about Jennifer, visit
Hypnosis Hacks | How Hypnosis Can Heal Your Life
In this episode: Learn about self hypnosis and how it can help you to heal, relax and reduce stress reactions; Find your life purpose, learn new things quickly and easily and improve your results in any area; Why daydreaming is a good thing… Find out how Linda created her own self hypnosis audio, and what happened to her when she listens to it every day. Linda shares an experience of healing through the timeline.
Shamanic Space Clearing
How does the vibration of places affect you? Learn how energy can linger and become anchored into objects and places, and the nature of how energy works. Quantum level healing, miracles are normal, and how long distant space clearing works. Learn how to recognize if you need to clear the energy of your home or environment. Do you have emotional discomfort, negative feelings or sensations when you are in your space? Do you experience electrical issues, sleep issues, nightmares, health challenges, or feeling stuck in your life? Remember energy cannot be created or destroyed. But it can change forms, and by its nature be released or attracted. Learn how you magnetically attract. Learn how to maintain your space, create an intent for your space, and what’s important to know when you use crystals, smudging, holy water or other tools to clear your space. Experience a Huna chant to clear the space around you and create a shield of light. Thank you for joining us for this episode of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. Our guest is Barry Farthing, Australian healer, specializing in Huna space clearing. Visit Barry at or on Facebook at
Exploring the Akashic Records and Your Soul Profile
What are the Akashic Records and what kind of information you can find there that can help you in this lifetime? What is an Akashic experience like? You’ll learn about your Soul Profile, Divine gifts, Soul Gender and how you can use crystals to assist with readings…. and how sharing your experiences can help others. Join us for this episode of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. Our guest is Debbra Lupien, intuitive, author and Akashic Record reader. Thanks for watching! Visit Debbra at or on Facebook at
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
How do the stories of your life can define you? Do they hold you back or empower you? In this episode: Victim Consciousness; Michelle’s journey through chronic health issues and how she stepped out of feeling like a victim; How changing what you think and what say can change your life; How defining your self as having a symptom can solidify health issues or roles; Where does your responsibility lie? The energetic matrix involved in creating health issues or challenges. Can you convince yourself of what you want to be true instead of what seems to be? Is there a gap in manifestation time? The mystery school teaching of “As above, so below.” The power of letting go of painful stories and challenges; Focusing on where you want to go instead of where you are; How precious your energy is and how to become more discerning in making choices.