Your Feet Know the Way - Thought Change

Your Feet Know the Way

Opening of Heart with Rose
April 23, 2018
One Slight Shift in Direction
May 27, 2018
Opening of Heart with Rose
April 23, 2018
One Slight Shift in Direction
May 27, 2018

Ever wonder about your life purpose?

Trying to decide on a path in a world filled with so many choices?


I like to look at life as an experience so there aren’t really wrong or right decisions… but there are definitely choices that make the path easier or more difficult.  But in the end, it’s those experiences that offer us the opportunity to learn, grow and discover more about ourselves.

Fundamentally, I believe that we all have a purpose and that life is always leading us toward that purpose, even if it seems we’ve gone a little astray.,

It reminds me of a quote from Dan Millman’s book, The Life You Were Born to Live, when he says, “Wherever you step, the path appears beneath your feet.”  I believe that.

I believe that we are offered endless opportunities to get on track so that we can live a life of the highest potential for what we’ve set out to accomplish this time around.

And yes, we can get lost sometimes, (or so it seems) confused by fear or doubt, or by the logical thinking mind trying to be in control of what are really the uncontrollable forces of life.

Our soul, our higher self, our spiritual self, has set out a plan that is beyond the awareness of our conscious mind. This creates a sense of adventure, of uncertainty and a need for trust. It makes life a grand mystery.

And the beautiful thing is that we are hardwired for that purpose. Our unconscious is programmed with the exact wants, needs, interests and skills that will lead us to fulfillment. The natural aptitudes, gifts and inner prompting to guide us, turning our internal radar toward opportunities and creative inspirations.

So, that in fact, our feet do know the way, on an unconscious or body level that is accessible when we can relax the thinking mind and simply listen to our hearts.

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