How to Find Your Life Purpose - Thought Change

How to Find Your Life Purpose

Soul Contracts and Inner Child Healing
June 20, 2024
A heavenly scene with an open gateway sitting in the clouds, rays of light shining through, golden light illuminating the darkness
Life Between Lives
July 12, 2024
Soul Contracts and Inner Child Healing
June 20, 2024
A heavenly scene with an open gateway sitting in the clouds, rays of light shining through, golden light illuminating the darkness
Life Between Lives
July 12, 2024


In this episode, we take a dive deep into what it means to live your life purpose authentically. Amrit Sandhu, a life purpose coach and host of the Inspired Evolution Podcast, opens up about his history with depression and his journey to find his purpose, becoming a Mindvalley coach and a successful podcast host. His transformation is a powerful testament to the importance of aligning with one’s core values.

Key Takeaways:
  • Aligning with Your Values: Living authentically requires aligning your daily actions with your core values. Amrit’s transition highlights the energy and fulfillment gained from such alignment.
  • Discovering Your Values: Amrit outlines a practical method for identifying your top values within 20 minutes. Visit for the exercise!
  • Balance Between Logic and Spirit: Finding fulfillment involves balancing left-brain logic with right-brain spirit. Achieving this balance can lead to a state of flow and effortlessness in both career and personal life.

You’ll learn practical methods for identifying your core values, the importance of curiosity in discovering your purpose, and the mystical experiences that come from living authentically. We also discuss how life’s unexpected paths and challenges often lead to our greatest gifts, drawing on wisdom from sources like Dan Millman, Eckhart Tolle, and the Gene Keys. Tune in as we uncover the mystical, sharing personal stories, transformative insights, and the tools to help you unleash your true purpose.


Amrit Sandhu:
The soul energy is not there. It’s this real grunty 3D sort of energy that I’m trying to live out, and it’s like it’s tiring. And I’m exhausted. I’m getting burnt out, etc etc. Right? Whereas, if you’re living in alignment to the values from your soul, the energy arrives. And then also we can start talking about some of the mystical stuff that happens.

Announcer: Welcome to Exploring the Mystical Side of Life with your host, Linda Lang.

Linda Lang:
Hi. This is Linda Lang from We are Exploring the Mystical Side of Life once again this week. If you enjoy our conversations, remember to subscribe, share with a friend. Today, we are talking actualizing your life purpose. I have life purpose coach, Amrit Sandhu with me. Amrit is also the host of Inspired Evolution Podcast. Welcome, Amrit.

Amrit Sandhu:
Ah, Linda, it is an absolute pleasure to be here. Thank you so much for having me. It is such a treat. I love your show and yeah, just stoked to be here. Thank you so much for having me.

Linda Lang:
Oh, I was really tickled when you reached out because you have an amazing podcast, so I hope everybody checks it out.

Amrit Sandhu:
Thank you. That means a lot to me, especially coming from you. Yeah. Thank you so much. It’s a total labor of love as you would know. But so yeah. So worth it just to see your dreams and visions manifested and realize in the world through conscious conversation. It is such a gift.

Linda Lang:
It’s a beautiful gift actually. And the power of the story to transform people’s lives is amazing. So you’ve had transformation in your life, obviously; you’re here on this path. Why don’t you talk to us a little bit about what your transformation looked like and how that got you on your path?

Amrit Sandhu:
Yeah. It’s actually a a great question because one of the things that, you know, even just in social circles my friends and stuff asked me. It’s like, hey you’ve been doing this podcast for like 7 years now, “What’s what’s some of the biggest things you’ve learned?” You know, it’s like an easy low hanging fruit question to ask. And I share this because the the response I generally give is in alignment to your question. There’s a couple of things like, for me as a podcaster, obviously, consistency is just one of the things that has changed my life drastically. But then also from the actual podcast themselves, one of the biggest things I’ve learned is fundamentally that our biggest challenge equals our biggest gift. And, you know, it sounds pretty engineering and like one for one when I say it that way.

But it’s it’s no different to the hero’s journey, basically. We’re all living out an archetype of the hero’s journey. I don’t wanna alienate anybody. There is also the heroine’s journey, and there are different archetypes that we all live out. We’re not all living out the hero archetype. But the subtext, it seems in today’s day and age, that everybody has their own narrative arc of the hero’s journey. And I think it plays a significant role when it comes to considering our purpose in life. So all that to say, I’ve had some really big challenges myself.

I’ve had well, touchwood, I’m not sure if I’m unique in this boat, but I think a lot of us have existential crises and dark nights of the soul. My first one was, yeah, I was an adolescent young male, and I had got diagnosed with depression for 6 years, and so we can dive deeper into what that really looked like. But it was a challenging time to say the least. And, you know, one thing I will say is it’s, you know, the whole thing that I do with Inspire Evolution and everything, and I say this not that I’m out to make enemies, but I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.

You know, like living in depression is… it’s a really, it’s, it’s a suffocating place. It’s a dark place. Really, it’s an isolating place and that loneliness, you’re just so buffered from the world around you. It can be just so bleak and stark. So, yeah, it’s just a, it’s just a, it’s just a really heavy place to be. When I got diagnosed with depression, by the grace of God, the, the… well, the psychologist that diagnosed me, she was lovely, but she gave me the stock standard, SSRI.

She’s like, “Here’s a, here’s a bunch of medication for you to take young man. Off you go.” And by some grace of God, the lady who was the doctor that had referred me to the psychologist called me back in. And you know, she asked me about what I was given, and like, yeah. You’ve been given pills and yes, you know, this is a diagnosis. And she’s like, “Great. I would just like to impart upon you this breathing exercise.”

And I remember looking at her, like breathing? Like, come on lady. Like? (laugh) Breathing, now? You know, I’ve been breathing like I’m like 22, 23 years old. Like, I’m here. I’m breathing. I’m alive. And she’s like, okay. Here’s a breathing exercise.

You count your breaths all the way up to 5 and then count your way back down from 5, just counting the breath. And I was like, sure. Whatever. You know, I didn’t really think too much of it. Went and fulfilled my prescription. Took my first pill. It was amazing. Just to sort of feel what it felt like to sort of touch normality for a moment.

Amrit Sandhu [00:05:11]:
Yeah. It was incredible. But then I also came back down 4 and a half hours, 6 hours later. And I realized I didn’t really want to live on this roller coaster. And so at that point, I was like, I remember being in there and looking at my only lifeline watching that box of pills and just going, nah. Something intuitively just, and you know, I wasn’t as in touch with my intuition back then. Well, I guess we’re always in touch with our intuition and this story reveals that, but I didn’t have as much languaging or as much awareness diverted to my intuition at that point.

Picked up the box and just like threw it in the bin. And I was like, okay. Running away from it. And then I had a moment where.. I was in an environment which was back at university, which was super anxiety provoking for me. And we can discuss why anxiety and depression are so closely linked together. And I basically just found myself in a moment pulling out my phone. And on the back of my phone in the case, I’d actually tucked the breathing exercise once again by some divine intervention, grace of God.

And I just started applying the breathing exercise when I was feeling the walls closing in. And I just went 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And with each breath, the walls just started to, like, breathe back. Yeah. And I was just, “Oh my god. Space.” Like I just And I didn’t have languaging around it, but I was just feeling it. And I was, “woah.”

And so I just kept going. And that was my first introduction to mindfulness without even knowing it. It was just this breathing exercise. And then through subsequent counseling because I’ve been diagnosed with depression, you know, I started going, oh… I was like, oh, this breathing stuff should be helping through the pills. And then like, yep. Read The Happiness Trap. Started learning about mindfulness. And then mindfulness was this amazing journey that I went on for a couple of months and it quickly tumbled into meditation just because being Indian by nature.

And my father been meditating since I could ever remember. And it was like, oh, okay. Meditation is this thing. So yeah. And then from there, I share this from a stage basically through mindfulness and meditation. Meditation reconstituted my life. So one of the biggest challenges in the dark night of all I went through was depression, but the the sort of jewel that I came back with was meditation and mindfulness. And then with all the self awareness from that point, and this is why purpose became the next big thing, I became a meditation teacher.

Because it had given me so much that from an overflowing cup you just can’t help but share. Right? And then even with all that self awareness, touchwood, that comes from meditation, you know, I got my life back on track because obviously when you’re depressed, like, this symptomology of your life is things are falling apart. They’re fraying, to put it lightly. Got my life back on track and then graduated university, got sort of the best job potentially a graduate could have got, did really well. And once I got into this corporate career, I realized I was in the wrong place. And it was an, it was an immediate realization, and yet there was this guttural sort of like, “you know what? We’re gonna be the change we want to see in the world. It’s okay that this place doesn’t, like, resonate with me. We will grow within here and sort of shift the resonance” if you will and, you know and 7 years later, it didn’t really work out that way.

And it just got more and more painful being in that environment. So my second big existential crisis, dark night of the soul was this career misalignment. And again, I knew what the quality of depression was like. It wasn’t really a depression, but it was depressing because I couldn’t express. Right? So depression being the opposite of express. I couldn’t really express my authentic self into being I was consistently depressing, suppressing who I really was to fit a mold to show up in this role. And I kept doing that hoping eventually that I would expand and the role would expand and, you know, everything would shift around me. But it wasn’t happening.

There was just greater and greater and greater contraction. I look back now and I’m super fond of that. Like we said, the hearo journey, your biggest challenge equals your biggest gift. If it wasn’t for all that contraction, out wouldn’t have popped from all that compression. The Inspired Evolution podcast which then, you know, led to me becoming a coach on, you know, everything we were conversing on in Inspired Evolution. I wasn’t even sure what it was in the beginning. And then people were like, “Oh no. These are conversations on purpose and I wanna have them with you.

Will you coach me?” And I was like, “Sure. If there’s value in it for you.” And then from that, led a speaking career and then all of that sort of stuff. So that’s been the journey of purpose. And then, yeah, that allowed me permission to sort of pop out of the corporate career misalignment and start venturing and foraying into what you see now which is podcaster, coach, speaker. So that was a journey of the Inspired Evolution. And, yeah, that challenge was existential crisis was, you know, career misalignment. And then the gift of that was, you know, living a life in alignment to my purpose and ultimately my values.

That’s really where the rubber hits the road.

Linda Lang:
It reminds me of my favorite line in Dan Millman’s book, The Life You Were Born to Live. The path appears beneath your feet. Right? Wherever you are, there’s an opening for you, and it’s not necessarily an intellectual purpose that our minds can grasp in that moment and then make a goal and actualize steps to make it real, but it just magically, magically appears. I never in a million years wanted a podcast ever, ever. And here I am.

Amrit Sandhu:
I never wanted a podcast either.

Linda Lang:
So it’s beautiful. It also reminds me a little bit about the Gene Keys and how in that that first sequence, there is a challenge. Right? There’s your…

Amrit Sandhu:

Linda Lang:
…your life challenge. And in that challenge, the highest expression is the gift you receive. Right?

Amrit Sandhu:
Well, firstly, I love what you’re sharing as well because I had an existential crisis even as a purpose coach. A milder one than my massive, dogmas. But there was this this crisis when you’re like “the purpose coach” helping people live a life spiritually aligned. And you realize, oh, even the bits where they’re battering around in the dark is exactly them being on purpose too. Because that’s where they raise the flag or the question is like, what’s my purpose? And it’s like, they’re on their path. They’re on their purpose at all times, like he just described. And it’s just trusting that, okay, I’m a guide support mechanism for those that are ready to sort of shift and transform. And, you know, here I am.

And I’m also meant to be on their path with that humble grace that is just whatever is going on in this crazy, wacky universe that we live in. I should say blessed. Yeah. And the the interesting thing I initially loved about what you’re sharing about the genius sequence on the Gene Keys as well. For those that don’t know, I highly recommend you go check out, the Gene Keys and get your hologentic profile. But also that they separate your purpose from your life’s work. Because I think in common vernacular, and yes absolutely, there’s a challenge, than the radiance that comes from there in your genius. But the journey starts with your life’s work and ends up with your purpose But that was the first opening to really recognize that we all have a purpose for being here.

But it doesn’t intrinsically have to be wholly and solely our life’s work. So the gifts that we are here, the bounty that we are here to receive for ourselves is not… well, it is related to in a very big way, but it is not one-for-one the bounty that the world will receive as a legacy from us having been here. And just having that dialogue really opens the space of purpose up. It’s like, oh, what is my personal purpose? What is the purpose of me being here, and what benefits the world of me being here? It opens up the dimensions around the conversation of PEP.

Linda Lang:
Do you use the Gene Keys in your work?

Amrit Sandhu:
The short answer is yes. The long answer is actually that each individual that comes to coaching because it’s 1 on 1 coaching. I really love 1 on 1 coaching. I just really do. Because you get to see and share and experience the complete depths of one another. Right? And it’s just such a beautiful container. And you can say what you will but the group coaching containers like I’ve conducted them before. People keep parts of themselves hidden.

Amrit Sandhu:
Yes. There are certain parts of them that reveal only in group settings, but the depths of the inner spring which is like their own personal stuff really only shows up in 1 on 1. So all of that to say when we do 1 on 1 coaching, the tools are bespokely fit to where you’re at given the situation that you’re in. Right? So there’s a whole bunch of stuff rattling around in my bag of tricks. If like we were saying before, Gene Keys, HeartMath, Mindvalley, Eckhart Tolle. And then everything that comes from all the people that I’ve interviewed on the Inspire Evolution podcast as well and consistently researching and just borderline being obsessed with transformation and growth, realm purpose, and spirituality, in a healthy way, I’d say. So yeah. Yes.

We do use the Gene Keys, but there’s a lot going on in there when we go through our 1 on 1 journeys.

Linda Lang:
I think that’s probably true for most healers too is that they kinda cherry pick exactly what that person needs. Right? So the the bigger your toolbox, the more you have to cherry pick.

Amrit Sandhu:
Yeah. And sometimes you don’t even cherry pick. It’s like sometimes they come with something. Sometimes it’s just like, what’s in the field? And you’re like, oh, so we’re gonna… we’re working this way. Okay. Interesting. I wouldn’t have personally approached it that way, but this seems to be how we’re gonna go about it. And then you watch and then after like, you know, 2 or 3 sessions, it’s like, oh, that’s exactly why this approach made more sense.

Like this is exactly why this client is better suited to us going through the Gene Keys for their entire process. Right? Or this is why this particular client is more suited for us to, like, understand their values, really build a whole set of systems around that. Yeah. Yeah. So each individual finding the journey for them to really unleash their purpose.

Linda Lang:
So there we go. The path appearing beneath the feet once again. Mhmm. So what do you tell people who really don’t even know what their purpose is, Amrit?

Amrit Sandhu:
Yeah. So the key thing in there, for most people that don’t know what their purpose is, we we start with a fundamental sort of building block is that you are the Universe looking in on yourself. Right. And for most people of a spiritually inclined nature that is it’s it’s home. It’s a comfortable place to sort of lay like rest your head, you know. I am the Universe and I’m looking in on myself. And so in there you start to arrive at a few interesting things if you start to unpack that and meditate and contemplate upon it. The first being that, okay,

I am Consciousness somehow folded in on itself looking in on itself. First of all. Wow. Like what is actually going on here? There’s that Einstein quote that comes to mind. Which is like, you can live as if everything’s banal, and like just, you know… or you can live as like, everything is a mystery. And you get to choose. But in that space, everything is a mystery and everything is awe inspiring.

So from that point, one of the fundamental tenants you can arrive towards is that even though you can’t understand the nature of consciousness through in and throughout, it does point to the fact that why would you be looking in on yourself. Right? So there is curiosity baked into the fabric of the reality that we’re living in. Right? So you are curious. And so if you’re curious, what is it that the lens that you are put here curiously looking in on the Universe as, on, in, and on yourself. What is that lens? What is driving that? And then there in lies already this conversation around purpose. Like, I’m here for a reason to look in a certain way. What is my looking? What is my observation affording this grand experience that I’m a part of in and of itself? So that’s the first sort of starting point.

Linda Lang:
I would say really that most people think of their purpose as something like a vocation. Right? I’m here to be a doctor. I’m here to be a lawyer or whatever. And typically your purpose has nothing really to do with that particular career, but maybe how you do the career, You know, maybe your purpose is developing compassion. And so then you learn through that career how to do it. I think all of our relationships also spark the potential of advancing us down our purpose. Yeah.

Amrit Sandhu:
I agree. And this circles back to what we were saying about the Gene Keys and how it opens up that space of your life’s work is out there, but your purpose for yourself, the innate curiosities that you carry, which, you know, are sacred sanctity. Like, that is yours. You know? And, you know, it’s it’s invariably we’re gonna get to this point somewhere, which is like, okay. How do I look in on myself and go, what is the lens of my curiosity? You know, and I kinda have that image in my mind. I don’t know if this translates really well, but it’s like, you know how like sometimes they used to show you in kids cartoons like what it looks like to look out of the eye of a bee? And there’s like all those little hexagonal panes that you’re sort of looking out in the universe and everything’s kinda like hexagonally yellow. And you’re looking out at the world like this really? And so we all have this innate fundamental curiosity which is, you know, divine. It’s god given. And so each of those panes that you’re looking at can literally just be determined by your values.

So each value that you have is like, oh, I’ve got a value for my highest value is a connection, contribution, celebration. Right? Those are my top three values. Doesn’t mean I don’t have more values. I definitely do. But my top three values are connection, contribution, celebration. Everything I’m here to do, I’ve discovered through discovering my values, is here to promote more connection, more contribution, more celebration. Right? So we’re doing a podcast here today. There’s an opportunity to connect with Linda, an opportunity to connect with your awesome tribe, an opportunity to connect with my tribe.

They’ll be listening to this podcast as well. Right? And people all over the world, like, brimming with connection. So it’s an absolute yes. And I’m stoked to be here. Right? There’s a contribution that’s being made. Hopefully, there’s some value in what I’m sharing. Right? I don’t wanna get too presumptuous. But there’s that element to it as well.

Right? So tick. And then celebration. Hopefully, everybody can live life a little bit richer for having been here and spent their valuable time tuning into this podcast today. Right? So this facilitates very much in alignment to my greatest values. So, you know, we’re discussing a little bit earlier, even if I show up, you know, a certain way, I’m going to leave this experience energized. And that is one of these really mystical things when we’re starting to really find our feet in purpose as well. It’s like, oh, I find flow.

Like, time dilates. Energy arrives. There’s a richness to the experience. It’s effortless. And so what is going on there? You’re starting to step into flow. And so the flow can be a really good indicator that you found something. And you can peel back and go back to what we were just discussing. It’s like, what of my values are being met here in this experience? And those values actually determine… well, I wouldn’t say determine… they diagnose really what’s in alignment to your purpose.

Linda Lang:
So do you think we come in hardwired with those values that they’re actually part of our purpose?

Amrit Sandhu:
It’s a great question. And so one of the people one of the highest performing podcasts on my channel is, is the conversation with Dr. Bruce Lipton around epigenetics. And he basically says that you’re a completely clean slate. And everything just gets tick tick tick tick tick flick tick flick ticked on and flicked off based on how your nurture is. The conversation around nature versus nurture, he goes, it’s completely nurture. Look, I would like to lean further back into my roots, you know, and being Indian of nature, the nature versus nurture it’s, it’s, it’s, it feels like, I don’t want to sound, condescending or judgmental…

It feels like a Western minded conversation. It feels left brain logically. How are they any different? Right? Like your soul before here has a certain nature and a certain nurturing. It’s been through some lives or however you wanna look at it. Right? And then it’s arrived to learn a whole bunch of lessons. So those lessons… like, were nature meant to give them? Did it prescribe itself that it wanted to learn those? You start losing, you know, yourself in that nature versus nurture conversation. But the key thing to recognize potentially, and this doesn’t, and I get really absolute with when I share things so it’s very important everybody take a a grain of salt and also check-in with your own intuition, your own thought systems and patterns to make sure that what I’m saying is resonating for you.

It doesn’t have to. This just happens to be my truth. I’m conscious when I share things, I’m so passionate that it comes across as the truth. It just happens to be Amrit’s truth from his lens of curiosity that he’s looking in on the world. But in there is, like, this whole experience of, like, potentially, we come here with lessons that we decided to learn in this particular lifetime as a soul or as a spirit. Right? And again, you know, that’s that hero’s journey. The challenges that you see again and again emerge.

And from there, how do you work through those challenges and the gifts and the bounties that you get? Yes. They’re 3D in this natural world as well. But then also, your soul reaps the benefits of all of that as well.

Linda Lang:
When I think about depressed, Amrit, from his youth, you are far away from that state of being. Touchwood. Do you think that young Amrit had the same values or is this something that changes?

Amrit Sandhu:
Yeah. No, I think Amrit definitely had the same values. And, actually, even recently, I was running this experiment in my… (laugh) experiment in m… I had kids as an experiment (laugh). This is certainly not. But I was curious to see how my values would change when I became a father. Primarily because it was one of the most I could see in the 3D, like in this world, like the most shifting experience I was going to experience. Possibly life changing.

Like, well, not possibly, definitely life changing. Possibly one of the most life changing things that’s ever gonna happen to me, becoming a father. And I thought my values might change. So I was like, oh, like, curious. Right? But they didn’t at all. So let’s unpack that. Let’s just run with connection, because I could do this with you forever.

Right? But let’s just run with connection, which is my highest value. So connection previously, that’s what birthed the podcast, but it came from a community offering here in Melbourne, Australia. I was inviting everybody over to my house every fortnight, gathering called Mandela Moments. And then from there, a podcast called Inspired Evolution was birthed. From there, coaching emerged. From there, public speaking emerged. And I was connecting to people. And it was this real breadth of connection that was happening.

I was connecting to people in my community, connecting to people in a bigger community, connecting to people who are broader, broader, broader. It was like connection was being, you know, my highest value. And so it’s what I value and the value that people get from me as well. Right? So this is that awesome dance about values. So and I’m just connecting. Connecting, but it’s breadth. When I became a father, all of a sudden it’s not that that didn’t become important, but I’d already scratched that itch to a certain degree and yes, there was mechanisms in place to continue to satisfy that. But all of a sudden came this whole portal of like, woah. Like how deep can fatherly love go? Or like, just the depth of connection.

So it transformed from breath to depth. Now did my value of connection change? No. But did my value of connection change? Absolutely. You know? So high level, absolutely not. But the palpable experience of it, absolutely. And that’s when I know, working with clients, that we’ve done their values right, their core values. Because your core values rarely change. I’m not saying they won’t change, but, really, if you’ve done your core values right, those are the lens that you are as that bee-hexagonal sort of lens looking out in the world, your curiosity.

This is who you are. This is what you put here, not…almost like fixed, but if you’ve done it right, you’ve got your core values. Now that to peel back into when I was in that depressed state, to answer your question, absolutely. I look back now and it was so obvious that connection was my highest value. And all the things I was doing was trying to connect with people And it was just so inauthentic, I couldn’t show up as my authentic self. So I was buffeted in.

I was doing all these things to socially fit in. And I just, I couldn’t find my real authentic self in and around all the things I was trying to be for everybody else. Yes. I was trying to connect, but there wasn’t any authentic connection. But I was creating all these connections that weren’t real, and then I was just like depressed in there. I was like isolated, alone. I was like I’m all alone in this. I’d be like, Dude… it was just this real… Yeah.

So it was a connection that was being suppressed. Authentic connection that was being depressed, And I couldn’t express my authentic self and be received for that and connect through that space. So again, the challenge came from not having my highest value met. Right? Which is again why the purpose coaching around discovering your values is so important, I believe. For me, like, the message in my heart is that your health is your purpose and your purpose is your health. And at this juncture in the conversation, it starts to make sense. But without all this context, it doesn’t really. Right? Because when you’re suppressing yourself… I’ve been in that that dark place where you’re not aligned to your values and you’re suppressing your values.

And the health, the mental health challenge that you’re in in that place, bah, I wanna swear but pardon me I won’t. You know? And so like purpose is one for one for your health. And for the longest time I thought this was just a crazy cookie message that I was carrying in my heart. And then I started studying the Bhagavad Gita, Ayurveda. And then all of a sudden it’s like at the heart of Ayurveda, which is all about health, which is a science that gives birth to yoga, etc, etc, etc, is your dharma. Like the whole reason you have health is to facilitate the purpose for why you’re here. And it’s like, I’m not unique. And this is, this is an ancient message.

Amrit Sandhu [00:28:12]:
I just happen to be connected to it and carrying it as well. So…

Linda Lang [00:28:17]:
There’s so many values. How do people figure out what their top value is or their top 3 or their top 5 even?

Amrit Sandhu [00:28:27]:
Yeah. I will just start by saying there’s something mystical about values and the number 3. I don’t know why. It just I’ve done this exercise for thousands of people now. And it generally is, I would say, 95% of the time it lands on 3. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t have top 2, you can’t have top 4, you can’t have top 5. Naturally, even within a top 3, there is a top 2. So yeah.

Amrit Sandhu [00:28:52]:
How do we actually do it? By having had asked this question enough times, it’s really easy. 20 minutes from now, people will be as clear on their values as I am on mine. Right? 20 minutes from now. If you make your way over there, there’s an exercise. It’s a short master class with some downloadable resources that I’ve put in there for you. And you can discover your values just the exact same way that I discovered mine. Right?

And it literally just takes 20 minutes of your time. Now the thing that surprises me again and again. And I don’t wanna sound like the coachy guy, but allow me for a sec. Right? I’m a coach. It surprises me how many people listen to this and just how much clarity you can have in your life. Come on!!

But nonetheless, yeah. There’s a whole there’s a whole formula. It’s not complicated. It’s straightforward. 20 minutes of your time. There’s a whole like mastery level in there, which I introduce as well for people to Linda go further. And it’s not like a paid program or anything. It’s like, you discover your values, you get a first pass of them, and generally most people Linda up with like 7 to 10 of their values.

And then I’ll get you to order them in in what you feel intuitively is right for you, and you have your top 3. But then the extensions is, sort of master class, the master version of that is to put them in… most people have a phone now. Put a note in your phone. Right? Or put them in your journal in your notebook. And just walk around with those 7 to 10 values that you’ve found from this exercise this 20 minute exercise. And just audit your life regularly for a couple of months. It just takes a couple of months with interactions that you had. Oh, I ran into Bob and Bob and I had a really bad argument.

Bob was right. I was right. What happened? Oh, Bob was, like operating from a place of integrity. I was operating from a place of connection. We clashed. Honesty is one of my values. At the moment, it sits on top of connection. I think I need to move connection on top of honesty, because when the, when the rubber hits the road, I show up for connection more than I do honesty.

And you do that for a couple of months, like 8 weeks, and it’ll just be like, cuckonk (sound effect). Like rock solid in terms of these are my core values. And it shows up in all the different little interactions where you had arguments, where you had the most joy. It’s like, I went out, I went out to this place and I had the most amazing time. For some people it’s rock climbing. For some people it’s going out for dinner. For some people it’s going out to a nightclub.

For some people it’s going for a walk all alone in nature. It could be anything. Right? And you just take a moment to just check your valleys and it’s like, oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Connection or adventure or whatever it is for me really resonates. So that’s the added thing if you really wanna take it to the nth degree. But 20 minutes from now, you’ll have your first pass on these.

And usually what I find, most people, the first time they do the 1st pass after 20 minutes, they’re pretty bang on. They’re pretty bang on.

Linda Lang :
So how can that actually guide us to living our purpose authentically?

Amrit Sandhu:
Yeah. Absolutely. So then requires a little bit of courage. Right? Just a little bit of courage. So once I knew I was all about connection, contribution, celebration, you look back at my career, miss alignment. Let’s take that as an example. Corporate construction manager… So do I get to connect? Babaow. Do I get to contribute? A little bit. I’m building people homes.

Like, that’s pretty awesome. So there’s contribution being made in there. We can argue that in a whole another rabbit hole that I started to lose meaning in my job when I started to realize that what I was building was a product for overseas investors, and then, you know, I wasn’t really building homes. And that’s when when that one disappeared and I had my full blown existential crisis. The third one, celebration. There wasn’t a lot of celebration in there. So when I take a quick audit, it was like, this doesn’t work. Right? But when I take a quick audit now… well, like, let’s say podcasting.

Do I get to connect? Bing. Do I get to contribute? Bing. Do I get to celebrate? Bing. Like, it’s okay. Coaching, same thing. Bing bing bing. And same thing with speaking. Bing. Right? And even when people provide me with opportunities, like, few years ago, Mindvalley was trying to set up a coaching program and they’re looking for coaches and they said, hey, would you be a coach? And I was like, will I get to connect? Yes. Will I get to contribute? Yes. Will I get to celebrate? Yes. And I was like, it’s a yes. And I was like, we didn’t figure out prices. We didn’t figure out terms of contract.

We didn’t figure out any of that sort of stuff. I was just an immediate yes. You know? It was like this lines up with my values. I know I meant to do this. I was put here to do stuff like this. Even if you don’t pay me, let’s be real, I’m gonna have the greatest time. It’s energizing for me. Right now in this conversation, as most people can probably tell, touchwood, I’m quite energized.

Right? Because I’m living into my values. And so I’m on purpose in this conversation. Right? Now podcasting and conversations isn’t everybody’s purpose. But when you find yours in alignment, you start doing an audit around “hey, does this stack up to my values or does it not?” Right? Really quickly, things start to appear in terms of, oh, this is why that feels draining. Because it’s not… My values are from my soul. It’s my soul living into my being. Right? And so the soul energy is not there.

It’s this real grunty 3D sort of energy that I’m trying to live out, and it’s like it’s tiring. And I’m exhausted. I’m getting burnt out, etc, etc. Right? Whereas, if you’re living in alignment to the values from your soul, the energy arrives. And then also we can start talking about some of the mystical stuff that happens in that well. Like, I still can’t believe I got coached by Eckhart Tolle. Like, what the ? Like, I’m just me. Like?? Aand then Eckhart Tolle is, like these group coaching calls and you’re sitting there with Eckhart Tolle and you’re like, there’s like so few of us here.

I get all this time to ask all my questions of this master. I was just like, how did you?? It’s like when you’re on your path, stuff happens. The energy arrives. Things flow. Touchwood. You know?

Linda Lang:
What I find really fascinating about it is that it’s very kind of right brain. Right? It’s like people don’t have to throw the mind out with the baby with the bath water and try to listen to their heart. They can, first of all, find their values. Kind of like a mental process, but I’m not going to say the heart’s not involved. Right? Your intuition is involved too, but it almost satisfies the mind because it’s a process.

Amrit Sandhu:
You’ve caught me out. So my background is that of an engineer. And, you know, we build upon things and we build systems and everything. So my mind definitely works that way, which has been really useful as a coach as well. Because yes. It’s all very nice to have all these theories, but then also how does the rubber actually practically hit the road so we can actually create something that actually shifts? This whole life engineer is a moniker that coaching clients like to coin me with. But yeah, there’s definitely that element of how do we wield the mind in a way that actually supports our spiritual journey here?

And that’s living in spiritual alignment, which I think more and more of us are ready and rightful. I’ve just found a lot of the people coming into this work are driven and motivated. And they’ve been doing things a certain way for quite some time and achieved significant amounts of success, but they’re not feeling fulfilled. And so that success is that left brain logic world and then that fulfillment is that right brain spirit world. Right? And so then it’s finding a matrimony between the 2, you know, and learning to sort of dance that dance, with greater calibration.

Linda Lang:
Thank you for the work you do.

Amrit Sandhu:
It is my absolute pleasure. As you can tell from this podcast, it’s like, touchwood, I pinch myself every day. That there’s an opportunity to, yeah, live a life in alignment, help people align. Yeah. It’s yeah. It took a while.

Linda Lang:
And celebrate. Imagine that being a value. Celebrate. I love it. It’s great.

Amrit Sandhu:
Yeah. I love it too. Thank you so much, Linda, for having me here as well. And I truly love your work as well. It it definitely feels like we’re kindred spirits on a on a common path, provoking similar transformations and change for people coming from, again, different points in curiosity, but also the energy is so similar. Touchwood..

Linda Lang:
Beautiful. Beautiful. Thank you, Amrit. Where can we send people who’d like to know more?

Amrit Sandhu:
Yeah. Absolutely. So if you are interested in 1 to 1 coaching,, is the website. Really straightforward. And if you wanna dive in deeper, but you, you know, not really looking for coaching, the podcast. Every week we publish 2 episodes. Not too dissimilar to what you’re tuning in to hear, except I’m the host. It’s great fun. I have a great time myself, touchwood. So, yeah, the podcast and the website.

Linda Lang:
And thank you for listening to this week’s edition of Exploring the Mystical Sides of Life. You will find all of our conversations on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, all your favorite podcast platforms. Come visit me at Pick up your copy of Learning to Listen. And if you’re looking for a little bit more magic in your life, check out my program, Alchemy from the Inside Out. That’s it for this week. We’ll see you again next time. Bye for now.

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