How to Find Your Life Purpose
July 2, 2024
Channeling Wisdom & Light
July 26, 2024Delve into the mystical and transformative world of past life regression and life between lives with Georgina Cannon, hypnosis instructor at the University of Toronto, and Past Life and Life Between Lives Regression therapist.
Join us as we uncover the fascinating journey of self-discovery and the metaphysical aspects of hypnosis.
In this episode, Georgina reveals the powerful tools for finding joy, purpose, and personal healing through past life exploration. Here are three key takeaways for you:
🔹 Harness the Power of Hypnosis: Discover how hypnosis can provide a unique perspective, helping you realize your answers and personal timing, and aiding in overcoming life’s challenges.
🔹 Life Between Lives Exploration: Learn how exploring the space between lives can offer comfort and wisdom, especially for those nearing the end of life or dealing with chronic diseases, by meeting guides and receiving unconditional love and acceptance from the council of elders.
🔹 Uncover Past Life Connections: Understand the importance of healing both current and past life issues, and how doing so can lead to personal empowerment and a deeper connection with humanity.
Explore these topics and more in an enlightening discussion with Georgina Cannon. Don’t miss out on her wisdom and her personal experience healing migraines through past life regression, that could transform your thoughts on life and your journey.
Georgina Cannon:
I get chills even thinking about it. This is where the soul goes home. You know, when you walk through a graveyard and you see John Brown, 1910 to 1950, and there’s a dash in between? Life between lives is the dash in between the different past lives and this life. It’s the dash in between. The soul goes home.
Announcer: Welcome to exploring the mystical side of life with your host, Linda Lang.
Linda Lang:
Hi. This is Linda Lang from www.ThoughtChange.com. We are Exploring the Mystical Side of Life once again this week. If you enjoy our conversations, remember to subscribe, share it with a friend. Today, we are talking with Georgina Cannon. Georgina is a hypnosis and past life regression instructor at the University of Toronto. Welcome, Georgina.
Georgina Cannon:
Thank you. I’m so pleased to be here. It’s exciting.
Linda Lang:
Well, Georgina, I’m a hypnotherapist as well, and I have done many past life regressions and given many, but I’ve not explored the time in between lives. So I’m really curious to jump in. First of all, how did you get interested in this more metaphysical use of hypnosis?
Georgina Cannon:
Well, growing up in England, we’re just used to the metaphysical. We don’t even think about it as being anything different. We grew up with ghosts and goblins and fairies at the bottom of the garden. And we grow up knowing that certain houses are haunted and okay, you know, there is such a thing as, magic. We know that. We take it for granted. So when I came to Canada and found that nobody else believed what I believed…
Also, by the way, I should add that I see auras and I have done since I was a child… And when I realized that nobody else did, it was quite a shock, and I had to not talk about it for a long, long time. I wanted to work with people, and I wanted to work with the energy and the spirit of people. I wanted to focus on that. So I studied Reiki, gestalt therapy, color therapy, psychodrama therapy, and happened upon hypnosis and went, Eureka. That’s it. That’s, that’s it. Because that’s the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the pathway to spirit, and it’s the pathway to all that we are and ever have been. So I studied that. And then from there, I studied under Henry Bolduc for past life regression. And I was in Michael Newton’s last class in England, his last ever class, to study life between lives.
Linda Lang:
That’s quite an adventure you’ve had.
Georgina Cannon:
I’ve had a lot of adventures, yes, and I’ve helped others have a lot of adventures too.
Linda Lang:
Why would people want to do a hypnosis session on life between lives? What kind of information can they garner?
Georgina Cannon:
I get chills even thinking about it. This is where the soul goes home. You know, when you walk through a graveyard and you see, John Brown, 1910 to 1950, and there’s a dash in between. Life between lives is the dash in between the different past lives and this life. It’s the dash in between. The soul goes home. So when the soul leaves the body, it moves towards the light, and it’s greeted usually by guides and crosses a threshold that is so moving, so deeply moving because people often say, “I feel like I’m coming home,” and they start to weep because it’s deeply moving. And sometimes they go to meet their soul group.
Sometimes they don’t. Everybody’s different, of course. Sometimes they go to the laboratory to find out how to manage their energy differently. Sometimes they go to the Akashic Records to find out more about their past and in-depth different types of lives from different planets or different places, different dimensions. But they always go to the council of elders who are not there to judge, but greet them with such warmth and overwhelming kindness, like a welcome home child. And they’re encouraged to go with questions for the council. And usually, they’re given wonderful answers that they could never even dream of, answers that tell them you’re doing the right thing. “Remember the souls that you are.
Remember your life purpose. Remember the light within you. Share that light.” They can ask about their future; not things like, will I win the lottery or will I get promoted? Not that sort of question.
Linda Lang:
It’s so not important at a soul level.
Georgina Cannon:
They find out there, by the way, their soul name that they’ve carried from lifetime to lifetime, and they go to the place where they find out what their job is, why they’re here, what their soul purpose is in this lifetime. Then they go to the place where they choose their body, which is fascinating. So they’re looking through, like, a catalog and choosing bodies. Some people go right to it. Others choose 3 or 4. Male, female, black, white, Asian, whatever. All different colors, different genders, and they choose one to fit the soul purpose. And then they get ready to come back into this lifetime, understanding why they’re here and what their job is.
Linda Lang:
That is so fascinating. I’ve not ever heard before that we actually choose our physical appearance.
Georgina Cannon:
Sometimes it’s, it’s not as exciting as one would like. When I asked why I chose my body, the answer I got was because it’s serviceable and strong and will do the job. And I thought, oh, how boring is that? You know? I wanted long legs and long blonde hair. I wanted to be a beauty queen. It didn’t work out that way. It might have got into the way of me doing the job I was supposed to do. Yeah.
Linda Lang:
Do you think that when a soul has agreed to come in and, you know, sometimes that pregnancy doesn’t work out, that baby is miscarried, could that be because of the physical body, or is that a karmic thing?
Georgina Cannon:
The soul has decided that’s its job at this time. Whatever the reason, either because the parent wasn’t ready, either because the soul wasn’t ready to come in, or everybody had a lesson to learn. It’s preplanned. And in my book, Return Again, I talk about miscarriages and abortions. The soul knows what it’s doing. It may not be the right time for the soul. And quite often, if a soul is aborted or dies on birth, you know, infant death or just 2 or 3 months later, it comes back again. It circles around.
I have a colleague who does hypnosis for fertility and birthing. But for fertility, she says often the baby soul is circling around and the parents are saying, “Why can’t we get pregnant? Why can’t we get pregnant?” And the baby soul will say, because you haven’t prepared for me. You’re both so busy. You haven’t made space in your mind, in your heart. Even in the house, I don’t have a nursery yet or something else. It could be another thing. Right? You’ve gotta mend your relationship before I come in. It’s not my job to mend your relationship.
So the baby soul knows what it’s doing.
Linda Lang:
So you mentioned the big plan, the big picture from a soul level. Yes. Is everything planned out or, like, all the major things? Or can we kinda go off kilter?
Georgina Cannon:
I’m strong believer in that this is a planet of free will. So although we have the plan, it’s… you know, we have our own personal GPS. Right? So we can recalculate. That’s why in the book, I write a chapter on karma, how you can change karma. Absolutely. You’re in charge. And we see that all the time. We see that in refugee camps.
We see that with people who are struggling. We see that in people who have been brutalized when they were children. We see that all the time that out of that group of people, some people say, I’m not taking this anymore. I’m in charge now. I’m gonna do something about it. They move from victim to victory. They take themselves out of it.
Linda Lang:
I’m a firm believer as well that no matter how off track we get, the soul or the universe, if you like, always offering us a way back to our destined path.
Georgina Cannon:
If we allow it. Some people are so busy telling their story and living their story that they’re worried that if they give up their story, who are they going to be? But it’s such a joyous thing to take hold of yourself, and I see it all the time when people actually get it. Just last week, I had an email from a woman who has been really troubled for quite a few years, and she wrote and said, I want to tell you victory at last! I’ve signed on for piano lessons. I’m so grateful. Please send me your favorite song so that I can learn to play it. So she’s joined the conservatory and she’s learning to play the piano. She’s actually doing something that gives her pleasure for herself; not complaining about her children or her husband or the family. She’s opening like spring flowers, you know?
Linda Lang:
Hypnosis is such a powerful tool to give you a different perspective as well.
Georgina Cannon:
The big thing is that really, truly, the client always has the answer. They just don’t wanna know, or maybe they can’t know yet. Maybe the timing isn’t right yet. And we have to work in conjunction with their own personal timing… not from the mind, but from the soul and the subconscious mind. So it’s a gentle process, but the client always knows. And through judicious questioning, through careful managing, they always get an “oh, Eureka.” Always.
Linda Lang:
Would you consider life between life exploration a beneficial exercise for people who are nearing the end of their life or who have some chronic debilitating disease to help take away their fear of death?
Georgina Cannon:
I would suggest that they do past lives first to show the continuum. And then from there, do it in life between lives. Because the thing I believe is that once you understand the continuum, there’s no fear. You’re going from one room to another, basically.
Linda Lang:
Exactly. And your body is a room.
Georgina Cannon:
Yeah. That’s right. Keep it dusted, polished.
Linda Lang:
Is it a little bit like a near death experience? When you go into that state, are you met by loved ones or an angel or some type of guide who will steer you?
Georgina Cannon:
Yeah. They’re usually met by someone, and it’s usually, a spirit, a guide of some sort. And they might, depending on the client, they might take on the personification of somebody they know, like a beloved grandparent or Buddha or Mother Mary or Jesus Christ, or any shape that they feel comfortable with because they can manifest in any way they want. So they just show up so this person doesn’t get a shock, but they just are welcoming and feel welcomed. And it’s an ease transition. So they show up any way they can. And quite often they’re met with one main guide. But as they go through the threshold, sometimes there’s 2 or 3 just welcoming them.
And the the feeling is overwhelming, as I mentioned earlier.
Linda Lang:
And there’s healing that one can receive while they’re in between.
Georgina Cannon:
What do you mean by healing?
Linda Lang:
Well, sometimes the spirit is troubled.
Georgina Cannon:
Oh, yes. There’s wisdom. There’s wisdom and understanding. That’s what I would call it. Yes. So there’s wisdom and understanding, and because you get the bigger picture, and it’s not only big this way, it’s big this way. Right? So, you get a an intense understanding, and this is so much more than we’re seeing.
And I always tell the client, you are so much more than you know. You are so much more than you’re seeing. There’s more out there than we can see, and there’s more than you inside of you and around you, supporting you, that you’re even aware of until you do this work. And then suddenly you realize how big you are.
Linda Lang:
And just how impactful all of your choices are. Right?
Georgina Cannon:
Yes. And that makes you choose even more carefully. Yeah. So, are you choosing from your power? Or are you choosing from your fear? So we have to decide how we’re choosing. And once you understand your power… I always say my job is to help people find their magnificence. That’s my job when I’m working with clients. I help them find their magnificence.
So whatever protocol we’re using, whether it’s teaching, coaching, past lives, hypnosis sessions, life between lives, whatever it is, spirit release, whatever it is, we get there. They find their magnificent being. They become taller and realize how much a part of the tapestry of creation they are. And they look at trees in a different way, and they tread on the earth in a different way. And they look at their irritating uncle George in a different way.
Linda Lang:
So true. We are all such a valuable thread in that tapestry of creation. Every single one of us.
Georgina Cannon:
Yes. Yes. It it’s quite extraordinary. Once you realize that how connected we are, then you start looking at animals differently. You can’t look at an animal the same way. You can’t look at anything the same way. It fills your heart every time you see something and you recognize it as part of you and recognize it as part of your fiber.
Linda Lang:
It’s the consciousness of all creation that you’re connecting with in those moments.
Georgina Cannon:
Linda Lang:
So I’m going to assume, Georgina, that you have had many experiences in life between life and past lives as well.
Georgina Cannon:
Not that many. I’m too busy giving them to other people, but I had a life changing one, a past life.
Linda Lang:
Do tell us.
Georgina Cannon:
Okay. I got rid of my migraines through past life regression sessions. I was training in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia in Henry Bolduc’s school. And we were practicing. And the gentleman that I was practicing with asked me if I had a purpose, because sometimes we have purpose and sometimes we don’t just wanna take the journey. I said to you, you know what? I really wanna get rid of my migraines. Because I used to get migraines at least every other week. Debilitating. I’d be driving and I have to stop and pull over the side of the road. You know, there’s people who get them know what it’s like.
He said, well, I don’t know, but we can try. You know, I don’t know if it’s allowed in this class to do that. We can try. So we just asked. And so he took me through the protocol and asked if it was appropriate that we go back to the very beginning of the reason or the purpose of my migraines. And nothing happened. And I was sitting there thinking, oh, then suddenly I got this stench, this smell, this disgusting smell, like garbage. And I realized it was me.
I had become an old hag, or looked like old. I was probably 30 years old. A hag with 1 or 2 teeth, living in a cave, stringy, filthy hair, dressed in rags, living in a cave in my guess was Britain or Ireland or England somewhere outside of a small village, and I collected herbs and what I could find foraging to eat. So I was close to starvation all the time. Sometimes the women in the village would call me down to help give birth with with my herbs or have an abortion. Or if there was a difficult birth, they would call me down to help ease the birth. And in those days, it was probably my guess was 1200, 1300, something like that. One day they called me down and they were in a field and with 6 or 7 women surrounding this woman who was screaming.
The child was halfway out, huge child, feet first. The cord was around his neck, and it had died halfway out of her. And she was bleeding profusely, so I had to remove the child, and she literally bled to death almost a minute after I got there. The women all looked to her and looked at me, looked at the child and left. I didn’t know what to do. So I dug, dug, dug with my hands, buried the child, and buried her and covered it over with the earth. I couldn’t just leave them there. I was exhausted.
It took me a couple of hours. I dragged myself up the side of the hill into my cave and fell fast asleep, exhausted, starving. Next thing I know, I’m being kicked awake and being yelled at. And this man is standing above me accusing me of killing his son and his wife. And he’s kicking me and I’m in pain. I try to cover my head and he picks up this huge rock and smashes it on the side of my head, right here where I used to get my migraines. And I instantly died. Fortunately, the facilitator of that young man was aware and smart enough and trained enough that we did all the healing and the processes that we had been taught to mend it all and brought me back.
We were both quite shaken, I should tell you. And came back, and he said, oh, I don’t know what that was. I said, well, I know what that was. It was my migraines. And I waited to get another migraine and haven’t had one since.
Linda Lang:
What a story!
Georgina Cannon:
And then the interesting thing, and until about 5 or 6 years ago, I hadn’t put the 2 things together. And I don’t tell many people this, but I’m telling you. My early life, I had a mother who was very brutal, and she used to grab me by the head and bang my hair on the wall over here too. Okay? So it was a repeat of the pattern. And, also, I grew up hungry because she would travel a lot and leave me by myself with just a couple of pennies to go and get some food, if she remembered. It’s a parallel. So we had to do healing on that level too. So not only through past lives, but in this life.
So you have to be aware not to just only do spiritual, what I call spiritual bypass. Not everything ends with a visit to the subconscious and the past life regression. Sometimes you have to do the healing that’s current and present. You know, people come and say, how come I always choose losers? It must be a past life. And I say, not necessarily.
Linda Lang:
You never know until you explore though, because it is completely possible. Right?
Georgina Cannon:
It’s possible, but not necessarily. I will not let my clients do a spiritual bypass. I do a thorough intake to make sure, was there any pattern of this type of thing growing up? Could you have learned it unknowingly? Where else could it have come from? Whatever, you know? So before we use that as an excuse… because if we mend that, then we’ve still got this down here to deal with.
Linda Lang:
Yeah. I do agree that if you do find something in the past, and sometimes just the knowing of that is enough to heal that. Sometimes there’s some work that needs to be done, but you still have this life that you need to heal. Right?
Georgina Cannon:
Better deal with it. Yeah. It’s like changing karma. That’s my chapter in the book, changing karma. Yes, you can. First know what it is that you wanna change, and then let’s go about changing it. Yeah.
Linda Lang:
One of the things that you said that I found to be a really important detail when you worked with the migraine… so you had an intention that was really clear, but you both were also very open-minded and just allowed whatever to come because sometimes it’s not a past life or an inbetween life. Sometimes you might get a symbol. Sometimes some message from the unconscious that holds information for you.
Georgina Cannon:
Yes. Yes. But we were there learning past lives, so our minds were at at that station, if you like.
Linda Lang:
But good to be open. And… Yeah… the allowing of trying.
Georgina Cannon:
Allowing of trying. And there’s always that wonderful question of what else could it be? And what else? And what else? And what else? What else could it be? And then what? It’s always open ended questions like, what else? Because there’s always more. It’s like when people come and they want to manage the anger, what’s underneath? Go below the anger. Just imagine anger here at level 3. Go go to level 2. What’s underneath that? And what else and what else and what else? And could we keep going down until we get to the ground floor, maybe even the basement?
Linda Lang:
And hypnosis is great fun too.
Georgina Cannon:
Yes. Yes. It is. Yes. People don’t know really what it is quite a lot of the time. They come in and and expect to levitate or something or cluck like a chicken or bark like a dog. But I keep telling them, you’re in charge. You wanna go into hypnosis? You can.
Linda Lang:
We do it all the time. Right?
Georgina Cannon:
Yes. Absolutely. Every time you lift your cup and drink your tea the way you’d always do it, it’s hypnosis. Every time you do anything automatically, it’s hypnosis. 90% of what we do. When I first learned that, I was quite upset actually, considering myself a creative person. What do you mean 90% of what I do is what I did yesterday? And then you realize, of course, of course it is.
Linda Lang:
It’s so true. Thank goodness for that other 10% that we can play in inspiration.
Georgina Cannon:
And thank goodness for the 90% that keeps us safe, keeps our heart beating. Right? It keeps us walking and talking. The ability to think. It keeps us planning. It keeps us going forward. It keeps us safe. That’s his first job is to keep us safe.
Linda Lang:
Yeah. Exactly. Georgina, if someone was going to book a session and explore that space between lives, is there any particular question that you would recommend they ask?
Georgina Cannon:
I recommend they ask the council what is their purpose. What is their purpose on this life? Is there anything that they can focus on with more intensity that can help humanity and themselves become full so that they’re not working at half mast; they’re sailing at full sail. It’s a strange metaphor, but you know what I mean?
Linda Lang:
Yeah. Absolutely. And I would suspect the council would let you know how you’re doing.
Georgina Cannon:
They’re very kind. They never criticize ever, ever. They might say something like, “Keep going. You’re on the right track. Just put a little more energy behind it. You’re on the right track. Good for you.” They never criticize.
There’s no judgment at all. Yeah. It’s a welcoming, warm, unconditional love. Sometimes, and people weep because sometimes it’s the first time in their life they’ve received that level of unconditional love and acceptance.
Linda Lang:
Georgina, is there anything else you’d like to share with our listeners today?
Georgina Cannon:
If you really, really want to understand yourself, if you want to go below the surface of of skimming life, if you want to really know why you’re here and how you can connect with humanity in a deeper way… I’m not saying no jokes, no laughter, no fun. It’s not serious serious. But just so that you feel a belonging, then it’s worth doing that type of work because you understand why you’re here, what your purpose is, and you find your magnificence in how you relate to all there is out there.
Linda Lang:
And it is great fun.
Georgina Cannon:
It’s a lot of fun. Yeah. It’s a lot of fun.
Linda Lang:
Please share your books with us again and also where our listeners can go if they want to learn more about your work.
Georgina Cannon:
My latest book is Your Guide to Self-Discovery ~ 20 Ways to Find the True You, and it looks like this. And you can get it on Amazon. And what it is, it’s a curated version of the different aspects of you. I talk to experts literally around the world about different ways that you can find out more about yourself. That includes astrology, your dreams, your birth order, which I’m a strong believer in, your emotional intelligence, your hands, your creativity, what sort of creative person are you, your animal guide – that chapter was written by Granddaughter Crow – your past lives, how to do a journey and just recall some of those. How about your archetypes? Your enneagrams, your Akashic Records, what your auras say, how you can read your auras and what that means to you. And at the end of each chapter, there are 20 chapters…
In each chapter, there’s a little questionnaire what you’ve learned from that chapter. And at the end of the book, you get to reintroduce yourself. Hi. My name is Georgina. I’m a number 8, and this means that I am … and you’ve got a new profile for yourself, which is sort of fun. We’re getting great reviews on that. The other one for your listeners that they might find interesting is Return Again. This is all about past lives and inter-life.
In it, it has a a guided script that you can take yourself to your soul group. So you can record the script and take yourself to meet your soul group. Both of those books are available on Amazon or your local bookstore or on my website, which is www.georginacannon.com.
Linda Lang:
Thank you for being my guest today, Georgina.
Georgina Cannon:
Thank you for being my host. It was fun.
Linda Lang:
And thank you for listening to this week’s edition of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. You will find all of our conversations on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform. Come visit me at www.ThoughtChange.com and start that inner exploration. That’s it for this week. We’ll see you again next time. Bye for now.