Life Between Lives
July 12, 2024How to Raise Your Frequency
August 11, 2024
Join us for an illuminating episode of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life as Linda chats with Kelly Bowker, a conscious trance channel whose spiritual gifts emerged in the later stages of her life.
Kelly’s entry into the world of channeling and light language began just five or six years ago, after adopting Wim Hof’s breathing techniques for health reasons. Her meditative practice soon opened doors to mystical experiences, leading her to develop and refine her abilities in channeling, mediumship, and light language.
Kelly delves into fascinating concepts like collapsing timelines based on vibrations and resonant matches, and the significance of potentials in the present moment. One profound realization she shares is the universal deservingness of love and compassion, and a 5th dimension perspective that transcends dualities of perpetrator and victim.
We explore the idea of forgiveness in spiritual growth. Kelly suggests that a judgment-free consciousness may eventually render forgiveness unnecessary, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings and events happening for the highest good.
Kelly’s journey inspires us to remain open to the myriad possibilities the universe offers, guided by our intuition towards energies that resonate with our higher selves.
Stay curious and keep exploring the mystical side of life with us!
Intro (Kelly Bowker):
They were dropping these words into my mind. I started to chant, let the words come. Let the words come. Let the words come. Step back. Step back. And I just kept chanting that. And then pretty soon as I moved my consciousness out of the way, I started to channel.
Announcer: Welcome to Exploring the Mystical Side of Life with your host, Linda Lang.
Linda Lang:
Hi. This is Linda Lang from We are Exploring the Mystical Side of Life once again this week. If you enjoy our conversations, remember to subscribe, share with a friend. Today, we have channel Kelly Bowker with us. Welcome, Kelly.
Kelly Bowker:
Thank you so much for having me, Linda.
Linda Lang:
As a channel, how did that open for you in your life? Was it something you actively pursued or something that just happened?
Kelly Bowker:
It is something that just happened for me late in life, actually. I would say probably 5 or 6 years ago, I began meditation. Now that I know all that I know, I know that my guides were doing things to get my attention. I started to get sickly. I would have one thing after another. I’d have influenza, and then I’d get bronchitis, and then I’d get this and that. For me, I’d never been able to meditate because I couldn’t sit still and I couldn’t quiet my mind. But I googled how to strengthen my lungs, and I found Wim Hof.
And Wim Hof, I don’t know if you’re familiar with him or if your listeners are, but he teaches a breathing technique, which basically does hyperoxygenation, and it makes you go into an altered state, you know, a woo kind of place. Okay? Well, I started to really resonate with that woo part of it, and that for me was my doorway to meditation. And so during my meditations over those years, I was getting all kinds of cool things were happening. And, you know, I would I would see strange things. I would feel things. I’d feel touches on my face. I’d feel touches on my hands, all kinds of different things. And being a happy person by nature, I had started to get into I would even go so far as to say, a bit of a depression in my late fifties as I was approaching 60, you know, as as we might do.
It’s a big stage in life, and I started to just not be okay. And, again, I know my guides were throwing the upset into my path, so to speak, not exactly literally that, but in order for me to grab a hold of things. And so I did, and I grabbed a hold of having some counseling. I went to some counseling. And during my counseling, she told me to look up what it meant to be an empath, and I didn’t have any idea what that what that was. I was raised in a small town that is a Baptist town, and anything to do with mysticism or metaphysical, any of that stuff was big old taboo. No. No.
No. I spent my lifetime letting go of the dogma of the those kinds of religious beliefs. So when she said to look that up, it kinda forced me to dive into the metaphysical side of the internet, and it just all started to resonate. And then things started to go really fast. That was in November of ’21. January of ’22, I channeled the first time. But I’ve been meditating for those years up up too. And I had seen a video, a YouTube video, about automatic writing, and I do think that’s a good starting place for people.
But when I tried to do it, I can’t spell. And so I’d get myself into an altered state. I would start to write. I’d get to a word that I couldn’t spell, and it would bring me out of my meditation. So that wasn’t working. So I decided to use my iPhone. I took my phone, put the voice memo thing on it, laid it on my chest, and laid in meditation. And because I now I know they were giving me they were dropping these words into my mind.
I started to chant, “Let the words come. Let the words come. Let the words come. Step back. Step back.” And I just kept chanting that. And then pretty soon, as I moved my consciousness out of the way, I started to channel. And I’ve been channeling it steady ever since.
About a month or 6 weeks after that, in March of the same year, I did my first mediumship experience. It lasted over an hour. I brought through concrete evidence. I did evidential mediumship from that time, from March until about June when light language came in. And when light language came in, what I would say is that it took me from 110v to plugging me into 220v. The amount of energy and the the quality of the energy was so much more dramatic than anything I had channeled up to this time, but, of course, it would be. If that kind of energy had come through first, it has scared the bejesus out of me. So, you know, I was very, very happy when I now looking back, they’ve brought me along.
Even though it has happened at an incredibly fast rate, they still have been very, very gentle and very kind and brought me along so that I wasn’t afraid, you know, so that I wasn’t afraid. So now I don’t even do mediumship. I’ve stepped away from that part of it because there’s no judgment around it. It’s just that I know that my guides are pulling me in a specific direction. They want me to teach about my angel team. They want me to teach about the ability to manifest your life. These are the concepts that that they are bringing through. Healing the inner child, that’s a big one.
The relationship… they call it the relationship between me and me… how to be in your own skin and tend to yourself first. It’s that whole thing about putting the oxygen on. You know? You put your oxygen on yourself before you put it on the person next to you. Well, that that’s the same with love. That’s the same with kindness. Do it to yourself first. Light language came in in June. That August, within 4 weeks, I wrote my first book, Redefining Faith.
It’s available on Amazon. And it’s my story, not particularly well written, I’ll tell you, but it is my story, and I think it’s helpful to people who are on the same kind of journey because you really do ask yourself, am I going crazy? You know? I don’t know how many of your listeners are our channels, but I know that for me, I was 60, 60 years old, heaven sakes, or almost. And all of a sudden, these weird things are happening to me, and it’s like, holy cow. So there’s a lot of mental processing that you have to go through. The biggest question is or the biggest statement in your mind is, am I making this up? Am I making this up? And the evidential mediumship brought through evidence which validated that I wasn’t making it up. So So it was an important part. It just isn’t part of my future right now. An important part
Linda Lang:
in your journey so that you could learn to trust yourself. Right. Exactly. So, Kelly, when you channel, are you a trance channeler, or are you still conscious? Do you hear what’s being said? How was it for you?
Kelly Bowker:
I have learned on this journey that these words and these terms mean something different to everybody. I had a gentleman interview me for a podcast. He’s from the UK, and he calls himself a trance channel. He has been a trance channel for 50 years. Wonderful, wonderful gentleman. And he told me that what I am doing is trance channeling, So I would think he would know. I am very aware. I am present.
I describe it like this, Linda, it’s like my consciousness is here, and it just sort of moves out. And according to how big a question that the guides get asked, Sometimes I have to get way out, but I’m still here. Sometimes I’m over here. You know, it’s like it’s like this kind of a deal, but I I’m very aware of what’s being said, and it’s, it is telepathy. It’s knowings. Like, I know what they wanna say, but sometimes I can’t find the word to say it. But I know I can feel what they want.
I know the essence of what they want to come through, but sometimes it’s hard to find the word. So, you know, you do the best you can with the vocabulary that you have. I mean, I’m just human, and they know that.
Linda Lang:
And who is it that you channel?
Kelly Bowker:
That’s a wonderful, wonderful question. And I’m gonna be just silly and fun for a minute and say, who don’t I? Because what my guides have said to me, they’ve said that I channel the match for the question. So if you ask a question, like, about Christ consciousness or something, then that’s gonna be part of the energy that comes through. It’s angel energy. It’s past loved ones, loved ones that have gone. It’s physical and nonphysical entities from other realms, other dimensions. They’ve given me this picture. The other day, they gave me this picture, and it was like a fun house mirror.
You know, how you can see it goes for eternity almost, all the reflections. And they showed me beings, different beings, not necessarily human beings, in this thing that looked like a computer terminal kinda deal going for eternity. But when I tried to focus in on the the being, they there was differences. There was lots of differences. So what what they were giving me was that there are many, many very kind, loving beings from other dimensions, other places, who are still physical, that with their technology and their intellect, they can interact with humans. And there’s also many, many nonphysical, nonphysical being those beings who passed away or angels or your loved ones, your guides, all the different kinds of beings that are on the other side. I get the best information when I just open. When I try to be like, I wanna bring through this or that, I get nervous, and so it slows things down a little bit.
I can feel the shifts. It’s like turning a radio dial. Somebody will ask one question, and I and okay. That this this feeling of energy comes through. Then it’s something completely different, and I’ll feel this shift. Like, that’s all the only way I can explain it. I just feel the shift in energy, and the best answer for that question for that person is gonna be what comes through.
Linda Lang:
Have you ever come across an energy that felt uncomfortable or perhaps wasn’t a higher consciousness energy in your channeling?
Kelly Bowker:
I’m gonna say, basically, the answer to that is no. However, I’m a very Pollyanna individual, and my credo is rainbows and unicorns. That’s how I wanna live. And I’ve lived most of my life that way. I believe in the power of positive thinking. I know that if I I think good thoughts, it makes things go better. I’ve known this my whole life. I was cleaning house one day, and usually when I channel for myself, I sit down, I go into meditation, I’ll ask a question, and I’ll get an answer.
This particular day, I was very busy, and my jaw started to shiver, which is one of my physical tells. And I kinda went, you guys wanna talk? I mean, I was right in the middle of doing something, and I got that, yeah. Okay. So I sat down, put my phone on, and I got a very distinctly different voice and feeling energy. The light language that came through was very different. And this being said that they needed me to understand that there were… that that’s where I got that sentence… that there were physical and nonphysical beings, and they’re showing me this in my mind as they say it, that are benevolent and interact with humans, but that there are also physical and nonphysical beings who are not benevolent, who can interact with humans. And I started to get really upset, and I’m like, no. I don’t wanna talk about this.
I’m all about love and light. I’m love and light. I don’t need to worry about the dark side of anything. And they said, that’s right, Kelly. They said, in the same way that you live your life on this planet, and you know that there are people that do things that are bad and that you would wanna be a part of, you don’t live your life in terror. You don’t live your life in fear. And I said, no. I don’t.
And and they said, but you don’t leave your purse and your in your grocery cart and walk down a different aisle. You’d pick it up, wouldn’t you? Well, yes. I would, I said. They said you’re not gonna park your car on the city street and not lock it even though you’re not living in terror and worry that someone’s gonna get into your car. You know all good things are coming to you, but you still lock your car. I said, yes. I do. That’s right.
They said it is the same thing that we need you to understand, that there are those entities, but there are common sense things that you need to do in order to continue on this path that you’re on. And so I said, well, what are those things? And they said, basically, the the thing that they gave me at that time, and they haven’t really given me anything else, is that I, because of my soft heart and my kind heart, could push past their nudges. I could push past that intuition to help somebody. And that’s the way that some entity could draw me in and cause me mischief. So what I’ve learned, Linda, is when I get if something happens and I get that little nudge in my chest, it’s like, delete. I just don’t respond to people. I feel it. I’ll read somebody’s message.
I get messages from people all over the world, literally, and beautiful messages that I resonate with and I respond to most, most of them. But, occasionally, I get a message, and I can feel the thread of energy in it, and I can feel it. And I know, number 1, what my guide said is they’re not gonna hear me anyway because they are resonating step away. The old Kelly would have felt guilty. I feel like I needed to explain. Nope. Just click. Nope.
Delete. Block. I just whatever…
Linda Lang:
Is it like a heart nudge, or is it a different sensation? Like, how do you differentiate between, “oh, I am to help this person” to, “no, I’m not.”
Kelly Bowker:
You and your listeners know what it feels like to resonate with something. When we resonate, we feel that drawing forward. We know that this… we just know. You know, can I describe exactly what it feels like? It’s just that knowing. And when you get that off feeling, every single person that ever listens to this is knows exactly what I mean. But we feel that off feeling when they’re and then we’re like, oh, it’s all in our head. Oh, you know, you’re being foolish. Well, now I 100%
So my guides know. And, I mean, I gotta walk the talk. I’m teaching people how to live this life connected. Well, guess what? They give us guidance, and you gotta listen to the guidance. So that’s how I use it. I know that the guides are working in my life, magically and magnificently, and wonderfully all the time, and I just listen.
Linda Lang:
Kelly, have you ever received a channeled message that surprised you or that was new wisdom for you? In the fashion like Edgar Cayce when he would go into trance and he started bringing out all this past life stuff, which was like just not in his belief system at that time. Anything like that for you?
Kelly Bowker:
Oh my gosh. Yes. I call it the pixie dust treatment. After light language came in, light language holds within it stuff. Lots and lots and lots of frequencies and knowledge and and whatnot. And the only way I can explain it is I don’t know if it carries it in completely or if it paves the way in your brain that allows you to understand. But once light language came through, I started to have these knowings. I would just like one day, I was talking on the phone.
I started to feel funny. My body started to feel funny, so I hung up on the phone. I stood up, and I just got hit with this wave of freaking energy. I fell right over. Thank god there was a couch there. I fell onto my couch. My feet were still on the floor. I’m laying on the couch just twitching with this frigging energy.
And when I got done, it would have probably taken me 2 hours to write. It only was a few moments, but it would have taken me a couple of hours to explain all that that they gave me. And a big part of that download was the understanding around timelines, and I didn’t know anything about the multiverse, or I didn’t know anything about any of that. But they gave me this picture in my mind of the universe filled with tinker toys. Do you remember tinker toys?
Linda Lang:
I do.
Kelly Bowker:
Okay. So the little round thing with the holes in it, the brown things, that’s the present moment. And all the things coming out are all the potentials, all the possibilities. And in every single present moment, we have infinite amounts of time lines that we can collapse to us. And how do we collapse them? We collapse them by how we’re vibrating. So whatever I am a resonant match to is the timeline that is coming to me right now. Right now. Right now.
And we click Now how would I know any of this? We click through those stations or those time ones. Click, click, click, click, click all the time. How are we feeling? Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click. We navigate those timelines. The more we can do the work that’s what my whole second book is about, how to establish your frequency and maintain your frequency. Because where we are vibrating, that is the timeline that we’re creating. So, yeah, did did a little girl from Lee, Maine come up with that on her own? No. The whole alien thing, which I don’t know where you stand on that, but I have to talk my truth.
And my truth is when I channeled the first time no. No. When I brought light language through the first time, the only English words that came through were so I can talk to my brothers and sisters. I brought through, like, a a 6 minute download of of light language on this bolt of lightning energy. Scared the crap right out of me, quite frankly. And I knew then what they were saying, but I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. And I knew that they were saying that other dimensions, other realms, other beings are part of my team. And now I’ve learned that, you know, Pleiadians and Arcturians and all you know, I don’t try to learn all those names.
I don’t need to because, like I said, eye open, and I know that there’s a vast, limitless amount of potential answers and energy that will come through. And that’s and that’s what I do. So, yeah, yeah, I get lots and lots of big smacks in the head of knowing, and it and it rattles my cage. I’m here to tell you.
Linda Lang:
Well, it it’s not just for our growth, but for the channelers’ growth as well. Correct?
Kelly Bowker:
Oh, heck yeah. Yeah. Well, one of the biggest things for me to wrap my mind around, And it was brand new, and I have heard it other places now. But at the time, this was 100% new to me. I happen to watch a really yucky documentary. I’m usually pretty careful about what I watch because I’m an empath, and it upsets me for days days days. Well, this was a yucky one, and I felt awful. And it was about little girls being abused in this freaking cult and all this stuff and blah blah.
The next morning, I sat down, and I said, you gotta you gotta help me. You gotta help me to understand this. How? I I know you love us, that we are loved unconditionally, but how in hell do these awful things happen. You’ve gotta you’ve gotta make it clear for me. And I got a humongous download around around that the perpetrator and the victim are equally from source energy, are equally from pure positive energy. They are equally deserving of our love and our compassion. And that in itself shook me right to my core. That was it was days and days of meditating on that and then bringing through layers of understanding, layers and layers of understanding.
So now I get it. I get that rebirth, we have agreements and that there are energies, loving, loving energies that say, I’m going to lower my energy. I’m gonna choose this incarnation because if I choose the drug-addled mother and the abusive father, chances are pretty good they’re gonna freak me up, and I’m gonna end up doing the bad things. And we’re going to meet down the road, and I’m gonna be that person who kills you or rapes you or, god, whatever, you know, whatever it is, the atrocity. And that happens out of love. That happens out of love. And so when when we think of the atrocity, we’re so filled with the emotional response to the atrocity that it it clouds our minds. But part of our enlightenment, our path to enlightenment, is realizing that we come to planet Earth for experience, and we come as pure positive energy, as a as an extension of god to experience whatever it is and learn whatever we are going to learn to bring back to our our over soul or our our source.
And when you finally can really have that knowing and you hear about something bad that’s going on in the world and even though you might be an empath, it doesn’t have the effect on me it used to because I’m able to pull into that 5th dimension perspective of of observation and know that, you know, the the awful things that are happening in our world, there are awful things by the judgment of humans that are happening in our world. But to be able to pull back with that perception of that this is all playing out for the highest good of every person in involved, And and they’re going to either learn what their intention was or they’re gonna come back another lifetime and another lifetime. And all lifetimes are now because time is now. All the only thing we have is now. So, yeah, it can get pretty deep.
Linda Lang:
It’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes because of our compassionate hearts. Right?
Kelly Bowker:
Yes. And when the bad thing happens to you, when the awful thing happens to someone we love, that’s the challenge. That’s the challenge, but it is the opportunity. And what I believe in years to come will prove out this to be true or not. But what I believe is learning that is what will take those pre birth agreements out of your path. You don’t have to have the atrocity happen if you have learned the compassion, if you’ve learned the love, the unconditional love. You’re gonna have those things happen in life as long as they’re needed for your growth. But if you are growing without those things happening, I don’t think they’re gonna need to happen.
Linda Lang:
Kelly, would you be willing to channel a message for our listeners today?
Kelly Bowker:
I would love to do that. Light language kinda carries me away in a sense. And so I will bring through the light language, and almost always, they will they will come and say something like, do you have a question for us? They may go right into a message. But if they ask for a question, be ready.
Linda Lang:
Alright. That’s good.
Kelly Bowker:
Okay. So we’re just gonna start by taking a a breath into her heart, sending our energy down to mother earth. (light language) Take another breath in, and send our energy to the cosmos. (light language)
Channeled Message:
You have asked, dear ones, for a message for your listeners, and we are happy to bring that forth at this time. The subject matter of the day has been incredibly intense, would you not agree? When you think about the perpetrators of the atrocities, and to be able to shine the light of love and compassion onto them in equal measure to the one that you would refer to as the victim, that is a great challenge for humans. There is no question about that. But what we would say to you is that the perspective of source, the 5th dimension perspective of neutrality, this is part of what humans are being called forth to in this time. That idea of being able to be an active participant within your world, but having that perspective so that it does not have such ability to affect your emotional stance.
Would you ask us anything specific at this time?
Linda Lang:
Thank you. Can you share a message on forgiveness? Is forgiveness a necessary step in humanity’s rise in consciousness? Or do we actually get to the place where forgiveness isn’t necessary because there is no judgment that needs to be forgiven.
Channeled Message:
Well, that indeed would be our answer, dear one, because when we speak about forgiveness, it is an inherent judgment as you have identified yourself. When the human come forth and decided to play on the merry-go-round of Earth, they made agreements, and many agreements were decided. Reality means there is me and there is you, there is a separateness. But you know, as most of your listeners do, that we are all 1. We are all 1. That which is us speaking through Kelly right now is one with the energy that is Kelly and one with the energy that is Linda, and on and on it goes. We are all one energy. And when you bring forth the idea of duality into that mix, it then stirs up all the problems, because there is the judgment of this is good and this is bad, when from the eyes of source, there are no such judgments.
Now we are not to say that when one is vibrating very closely with their higher self, and they’re very open to that communication, listening to the nudges as we have spoken of already today, when you are in that energy, you have no calling, no desire, no inkling of doing anything that would cause harm to anyone else. Because would you take a hammer and pound the end of your finger? No. You would not. And any action that is done is done unto oneself. So you would have that knowing, and there would be nothing but love coming out of your heart. But, alas, the agreement was made and the challenge was put forth. Can the human experience remember themselves back to the knowing that they are indeed one with all? And that even if there is that troublesome toe that aches, you don’t cut the toe off. You just observe the toe, and that is the same when you see that one who is doing the things that you, if you were to settle into your human perspective, would deem as inappropriate or bad or heinous, atrocious, whatever word you’d want to say.
It is the judgment of the action that then says, ah, this action happened to me. Now in order for me to raise to my highest vibration, I must forgive that individual. When we are saying that it is not a wrong part of your path, that it is just another experience, nothing to be judged, But it, from our perspective, isn’t a necessary thing, because the perspective of that 5th dimension is where we are calling you to. And when you are sitting in the perspective of the 5th dimension, everything is happening exactly the way it is supposed to, and it’s all happening for the highest good of all involved. And so there is nothing to forgive.
Linda Lang:
Beautiful. Thank you for your message today.
Kelly Bowker:
You are welcome.
Linda Lang:
And can we have Kelly back?
Kelly Bowker:
She’s right here.
Linda Lang:
She’s right there. Perfect. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Kelly. If people would like to learn more about you, where can we send them?
Kelly Bowker:
Well, I have a YouTube channel called Present Moment Magic. And at this point, in the descriptions underneath my videos is one of the best places to find, like, how to make an appointment with me if people want to, that kind of thing. And my email address is kellybowker7 – that’s kellybowker7 – So if you have a request and I will give the invitation to you and to your audience because if you send me your email address, I will add it to my collection. And if I have something fun going on, like perhaps it’s gonna be a meditation coming up, something fun, I will send out an email to people to let them know. So send me your email address, and I’ll I’ll put you on my list.
Linda Lang:
Alright. There you go, Kelly. Thank you so much for being my guest today.
Kelly Bowker:
It’s been my pleasure, Linda. And
Linda Lang:
thank you for listening to this week’s edition of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. You will find all of our conversations on YouTube and your favorite podcast platforms. Come visit me at Pick up your copy of Learning to Listen, one of those things on your step in your own spiritual awakening. That’s it for this week. We’ll see you again next time. Bye for now.