Being Grounded in Peru
December 4, 2013Forest Secrets Essence
December 18, 2013Peru is one of those magical places… rich in history with ancient ruins from days long past. It appeals to people of all sorts, those who love culture, history, hiking, spirituality and mystery… and those that are searching inside themselves. Many people have it on their ‘bucket list’ as one of the places they would like to visit, some almost magnetically attracted to it.
We had a small group of 9 in our tour through Peru; each person with a different reason for coming. Our tour was with the University of the Divine Sacred Heart, lead by Willaru Huayta, an Incan elder who took very good care of us, guiding us through the country and sharing his mystical wisdom and experience.
Our journey was very full, each day visiting new sites – hiking, meditating, exploring various ruins or just experiencing the culture of Peru today. We were told that Peru had one day been the southern part of a continent called Lemuria, that most of that very ancient land was now mostly under the Pacific Ocean, and stretched as far as the Hawaiian Islands, and perhaps even further.
Lemurians were a spiritually focused culture in an age before Atlantis. In fact many of the temple ruins are said to be from that time. The stones used in the temple walls are massive and show us the initiative and intelligence of the people who built them. The Incan temples that are not as old, are built with much smaller rocks and stones.
There is definitely something special about Peru. The land is very beautiful – from the fertility of the Amazon forest, to majesty of the Andes, the vastness of the desert, and the breathtaking skies. It almost seems like the land is ‘working’ on you, helping you with your inner work, helping you find that peace within yourself.
I, for one, am grateful for the all the awareness that my journey brought me. Not only personal awareness, but spiritual as well. Aside from learning how to be more grounded in a tangible way, this journey also helped me to find a place deep within myself that I had not discovered previously. It is a place of deep connection with both the Divine Father and Divine Mother – the god and goddess. Willaru calls it the Heart Temple. I have been to my Heart Temple before… to me this is more like a secret chamber underneath or inside it… almost like the Queens Chamber if the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
Finding that place inside makes it much easier to decipher my choices in life, and pulls me away from the distractions that so easily pull us into the mental plane. It does take a conscious effort to visit that place deep within, although the more I go there, the easier it is to stay there.
What a gift Peru has given me!
How can you do this for yourself? In meditation, go to your Heart Temple regularly. Connect with your inner Divine Mother, who lives in your heart. Connect often, and soon it will be almost instantaneous for you to enter that sacred space.