Intestinal Essence for Letting Go
August 19, 2014TAP for Today
September 10, 2014
The inspiration for this tapping script comes from my horoscope for the day. What great advice for everyday! And how powerful to tap on. If a particular relationship comes to mind, remember to tap on it specifically to clear out unresolved emotions. Each line is a different tapping point.
(Your name)….Get your broom out of the closet today.
(Your name)….Your job is to brush away all the cobwebs
from the corners of your emotional bedroom.
Use the intense transforming energy of the day
to say good-bye to stale and loose-ended relationships
that have left a bad taste in your mouth.
Ignite the fire of a new situation
and consciously work on establishing new habits
so that old patterns don’t continue to repeat themselves.
Time for change!