Closing A Door
August 8, 2014Get Out Your Broom!
September 5, 2014for cleansing emotions…
The Intestinal essence helps us to cleanse and let go of accumulated “stuff” – both physical and emotional stuff. It helps to release and heal emotional and energetic patterns that are frequently associated with the intestinal system, including the large and small intestines and rectum.
This essence helps us to release negative feelings we are holding onto, letting go of memories and old emotional issues. It is very effective for those who have accumulated emotions or who need to release.
If you have feelings of impurity, self disgust or self hate, this essence can help you release them… even if you think you can’t let go. This may be indicated by talking derisively or negatively about yourself. How do you talk to your self and about your self?
This essence may help around physical issues of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal issues, frequent headaches, extra weight around the belly. It may also benefit with patterns of cleaning fetishes – personal or housecleaning, difficulties using public restrooms, or not willing to stop your activities to go to the bathroom, feeling cramped or needing more space.
If you have any of these issues, consider Intestinal essence. Compliments Deep Inner Cleansing essence. Please contact for more information.