Comparing Yourself to Another
May 19, 2016Time to Hit the Refresh Button
May 28, 2016It seems lately that I’ve had a lot of conversations focused on releasing fears. I’ve discovered that many people aren’t aware of the possibilities of energy work so over the next little while, I’ll be sharing powerful personal stories to help you understand that energy healing is more than just relaxing… and more than just for physical illness or pain.
The story I will share with you today has to do with SPIDERS.
I used to be terrified of spiders. REALLY terrified!! I remember bolting out of the shower… soak’n wet… screaming because there was a spider sitting in the corner.
If I found a spider in the house, my husband or one of my kids had to play “knight in shining armor” and come to my rescue. I had zero tolerance for being in the same space with them.
Spiders were especially creepy because of the way they walked, how fast they were, and how they could really go anywhere. Leaving behind a spider web didn’t help the matter either! With no effort at all on their part, they invoked an intense fear reaction in me.
After I took the BodyTalk training in 2002, I would do daily corrective balances on myself. But I never worked on my spider fear – I had far too many other things that seemed more important! Besides, I was coping… sort of.
One day, I was sitting at my dining room table, and a spider zip-lined from the ceiling to my shoulder and very slowly walked down my arm to the table. It felt like slow motion as I watched it in total amazement. I wasn’t reacting… I wasn’t screaming… I didn’t run out of the room… I had no creepy feelings at all!
It’s a powerful example of how energy work helps transform, and how when you do your inner work, things that you don’t even work on can shift as a side benefit. This gave me first hand experience that we don’t have to go through every painful experience one at a time in order to illicit change.
Now, are spiders my best friend? Not exactly… BUT whatever triggered that intense fear is gone. I can hold my own with them, even pick them up and take them outside. They can be close without me freaking out.
I have since discovered that Spider is one of my major animal totems. It is a powerful archetype for healing, creativity and weaving reality. I have great respect for Spider and I’m grateful to have Spider’s assistance as an ally.
It seems like I see spiders and webs everywhere these days… When they keep popping up, I know it is time to be creative. I’ll often pick up my pen and write or create in some way. Spider gives me a little nudge from the Universe.
As you do your inner work, keep in mind that change can show up in many ways! There are many ways things can be connected through our physical. mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. You can see transformation in more areas than just where we are working on! Think of them as side benefits. When your soul or higher self and your unconscious team up, miracles can happen!
Have you received your copies of the River of Relaxation and BEing Tree meditations yet?
Contact me to request them, and start relaxing!!