The Vision of Your Life - Thought Change

The Vision of Your Life

Channeling Energy through Your Na’au
July 25, 2021
Traversing the Terrains of Consciousness
August 7, 2021
Channeling Energy through Your Na’au
July 25, 2021
Traversing the Terrains of Consciousness
August 7, 2021

What is the vi­sion you hold for your life?  Have you un­cov­ered the in­spired truth that lives within your soul?  Are you shar­ing it within your own unique cre­ative ex­pres­sion?

I sus­pect you have, whether you know it con­sciously or express it un­con­sciously.


Af­ter all, the man­i­fes­ta­tion of your life is a sa­cred ta­pes­try de­signed to evolve you, ex­pe­ri­ence you, and live you with rich­ness and full­ness.

Every­one’s life is this…  Of­fer­ing op­por­tu­nity for growth through chal­lenges and new ex­pe­ri­ences, for pos­si­bil­i­ties that can show us our ingenuity, our strength and re­silience, and awaken our gifts and tal­ents.  Per­haps life is de­signed to show us the love and in­cred­i­ble joy that lies within the very na­ture of our be­ing.

Oh, how it all gets lost some­times… 

But yet it is there… in­side each one of us… in that god­space be­tween each cell, hold­ing space for our mag­nif­i­cence to be made man­i­fest.

Per­haps the eas­i­est way to be­come aware of your in­ner­most vi­sion is through your bliss—those things that bring you joy and con­nec­tion, and put you smack in the mid­dle of flow.

Of course, you can get there through strug­gle too.  Think of all those beau­ti­ful souls who live through trauma and grief, yet man­age to come out the other side and re­ally know who they are, know their re­silience, and how they can best serve life.

You can even be obliv­i­ous to your pur­pose un­til one day it seems it is cast upon you—the story of a hero in the mak­ing­—when out of the blue, life de­mands you step up to the plate and find your power, and be your true ex­pres­sion.

So, you say you don’t have a vi­sion for your life?

Don’t worry.  Your life has a vi­sion for you.

And it is al­ways call­ing out to you, in­spir­ing you and lead­ing you along your path.

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