Facing Fears with HUNA
September 27, 2013
ALL in Your Hand Prints?
October 3, 2013The airport in Kona is a very small, open-aired port. We had been advised not to show up to early before our departure. Our overnight flight was to leave at 10:45 in the evening, heading to Phoenix, AZ shortly after 7 am. We arrived at the airport about 9:40 pm, returned the car rental and headed to departures. There was no one at all in line so we immediately went through the security check. Two other people on the flight followed us. Seems we were the last 4 seats to be filled on the flight. After we proceeded through the check-in and boarded, the flight left 30 minutes early.
It had been an intense trip and a long day, and I was looking forward to sleeping on the airplane. Even though I was very tired, I couldn’t make myself comfortable— it wasn’t very dark onboard and I was sitting beside a fellow I didn’t know… not wanting to end up with my head on his shoulder… so I just sat in my seat staying present in my body.
After the take-off, when the plane leveled off, I started to feel an energetic pull. It felt like my arms were two feet longer and being drawn back towards the island. This feeling didn’t dissipate—it got stronger, even to the point where the skin on my face was also stretched back and downwards, my ears feeling like they were at the bottom of my neck. It felt like that for quite some time before it released.
I talked to the Big Island, thanking it for its warmth and connection, and all the wisdom it has to offer me. I know there is more for me there, and I will joyfully be back for Level 2.
The next thing I knew, the pilot was announcing that we would be landing in Arizona within half an hour. I must have been in a time warp because it felt like we had only been in the air for 90 minutes or so. There was no way in my world that much time had passed and I had no recollection of dozing off.