ALL in Your Hand Prints? - Thought Change

ALL in Your Hand Prints?

The Pull of Hawaii
October 1, 2013
A Huna Perspective of SIN
October 7, 2013
The Pull of Hawaii
October 1, 2013
A Huna Perspective of SIN
October 7, 2013

I was listening to a series of soul-based, business-oriented webinars and one of the speakers was talking about life purpose.  This lady was a specialist in hand analysis… similar to palmistry but quite different. It does not focus on prediction but on character traits, strength and weaknesses, and the purpose you were born to live. Her talk was quite fascinating, so I decided to do a little more research.  I ordered the book called LifePrints by Richard Unger and searched for practitioners.

I found Tanya, a local practitioner, and booked a reading.  She sent me an inking kit, and we had our appointment over the phone. It was a fascinating, in-depth reading which I found very accurate.  And it gave me a lot of useful insights… things to be aware of, things to develop more, and more understanding of my deeper yearnings.  As Edgar Cayce proclaimed, “Know thyself!”  This is an unusual, yet fascinating way to self explore…

According to this style of hand reading, there are 4 possible schools—the school of wisdom, of love, of service and of peace. A person might have one or more schools. This information is encoded in the swirls of your fingertips. Each school presents specific tests and specific opportunities.

Everyone also has a life lesson, perhaps more than one. This is an area that can be your greatest challenge. It is part of your chart that you did not write before you came here so that you could learn through experience.  You could say it is your blind spot—the thing you do over and over again until you become aware of the pattern and how it works. It often is difficult to face, and yet when you overcome it, it is extremely empowering.

HandPrintEveryone comes into their life for a specific reason—some contribution that only they can bring to creation. Your life purpose is likely your greatest passion.  Perhaps you know what that is or perhaps you may even be doing it without realizing it. Having your hands read in this way gives you a very specific life purpose—and yet how you fulfill it is up to you. Your life purpose and the school you were born into are in your fingertips, and stay with you for your entire life.

The reading also provides you with information about your natural talents and gifts. These are the tools you have brought with you to help you fulfill your purpose.  You can have many gifts, but if there are markers in your hands, you will also have penalties if you don’t use these gifts. If you don’t have many gift markers, you have fewer penalties.  In fact, you can still be very talented and have no markers; it just means you don’t have consequences if you choose not to use them. The lines in your hands can change over time, so gift markings can come and go.

Remember it’s all in your hands!

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