How Do You Grow Self Confidence?
July 14, 2015
Mosaic of Being
August 20, 2015Sometimes it takes a while before we recognize our own light… sometimes even a lifetime. At times we have to go searching for ourselves. It’s an inside job but we keep looking outside for our answers.
We all have unique experiences, qualities, gifts and a purpose that make us one of a kind. Sometimes we have glimpses of our light but until that awareness is anchored in our knowing, we can be easily distracted or lead astray.
We compare ourselves with others or wonder about our path, or at times, become overwhelmed with life and its vast array of options. Confusion sets in—confusion about our choices, our life or ourselves.
When we are in that space, it can be challenging, but these times can also be doorways into deeper self awareness. This is a time for introspection, journaling and meditation… a time to connect with our innermost Self.
Sometimes these periods are so intense, they engross us. Introspection can be the last thing from our minds. States of confusion translate to ruminating thoughts and an overactive mind, and a wild mind can be challenging to conquer. But it is in the quiet spaces when the truth can surface.
LIGHT is a Canadian Tree Essence that can help shift your vibration when you feel like you’re in the dark or experience confusion. It can help settle that wild mind that is trying to think its way out of confusion or that keeps searching outside itself for answers that only the True Self can provide. It can help that uncertainty of not knowing oneself, one’s path or one’s truth.
This vibrational essence to take when you are searching for inner peace, when you want to step out of the confusion and just be. It helps you to open to your own source of love so that its light may shine through and guide your life.
Use the essence of LIGHT when you want to raise your consciousness and shine as who you are. It’s time to love and accept the divine being that you are and share your true essence with the world.
Let there be light! And let us find it within.
Contains: essences of Banyan, Black Maple, Cedar of Lebanon, Giant sequoia, Gingko, Tulip tree, Yoshino cherry, in a base of spring water and 9.5% alcohol. Take a few drops in water or directly under the tongue and let this Canadian Tree Essence work its magic.