Full Moon Meditation
October 12, 2013Trust
October 17, 2013Today is October 14, 2013, and Canada is celebrating Thanksgiving. Traditionally a time to celebrate the bounty of harvest, it is also a wonderful time of reflection.
Today I express gratitude for the gift of my life, for my family and friends, and all those I love or connect with in any way. I am thankful for all the abundance in my life, the beauty and richness of my experiences, my past, my present, my future.
I am grateful to feel loved and supported by the Universe and to have awareness of many miracles and magic in my life. All is good.
As I delve deeper into my own Self, I bring more awareness and clarity to my skills of listening and healing. This year, I am focusing my commitment to my own inner growth and to the service I provide to my clients. I am truly grateful for the gifts I have that help me help others, and for the joy I receive when I am fully engaged in that service. My life is full and rich.
Today the sun is shining, and the leaves of the trees are beautifully coloured with reds, yellows and oranges. Some have fallen to the ground. The air has a bit of warmth left and a light breeze blows. The weather divas have been very kind to us this Fall, gifting our area with lots of sunshine and warm weather. The blue sky is dotted with puffy white clouds, full of character and charm.
The smile on my face is directly connected to the warmth of my open heart.