Quick & Easy Tension Burn
December 7, 2016Our Choices Help Create Our Future
January 30, 2017
Here we are in the New Year and to me, it feels like there is potential for huge change this year. All over the place! And it could go either way… We stand in the place of choice – how do we want to navigate through the shifts that come? Our choice will have a direct bearing on our experience of what happens and in fact, the outcome.
In an old channeled Seth book called” The Nature of Personal Reality,” Jane Roberts relays the message that one can’t create peace by hating war. That by hating war, you are sending energy to it, feeding it with your focus, emotions and thoughts. To create peace, we must love peace, bask in peace, envision peace. Peace must be the focus.
Another way of saying this is energy flows where attention goes. You’ve probably heard that before. It makes logical sense but can you use the concept to create the life you want? Are you the master of your thoughts, or a slave to a wandering and fearful mind? Living it can be a challenge when you focus on moving away from what you don’t want instead of towards what you do want.
In December, my enLIGHTen group finished our 14 month program. It was an amazing journey and there was so much change for all the participants. Our final topic was Rhythmic Peace. The Universe – or Life, if you like, has a natural ebb and flow. There is a cycle and rhythm to everything… night and day… tide in and out… inhale, exhale… And peace is available in every moment. It’s really about being at peace, becoming peace and radiating peace.
The Universe has an ebb and flow. We see it in cycles and rhythms through nature, through expansion and contraction. When you can be at peace in every aspect of the ebb and flow, you become a channel for peace.
In the spirit of creating more peace in this wild and wonderful world we live in, especially in this pivotal place of change, my gift meditation is offered to you here: https://soundcloud.com/linda-lang-268492910/quick-easy-rhythmic-peace