Light in Your Dark Times - Thought Change

Light in Your Dark Times

October 2, 2019
Falling in Love with Your Story
December 4, 2019
October 2, 2019
Falling in Love with Your Story
December 4, 2019

I received a handwritten letter from one of my clients this week, filled with gratitude for the help she received from me through her Dark Night of the Soul and the healing journey that ensued… and I wanted to share it with you.  She continues to come for “energy tune ups” as she continues her path of healing and growth.


It was three years after my dad died and I was still in this black hole. He was the only relative I had. My closest friend. My teacher of life. My loving Father of 58 years. Of course, he wasn’t perfect, neither was I. But he was my protector since my birth.

And I felt a loss I did not know I could feel.

In a planet of billions of people, I felt like an orphan of the world, and so lonely.

And after three hard years, I did not want to be here anymore.

One day I read Linda’s ad in the Tone magazine. I was at my lowest point I had ever been that day. I called her. We talked, and since I was so desperate, she offered an appointment as soon as possible.

I didn’t understand some things she did, or the “homework” she gave me but she genuinely cared about me, and I needed that so much. I was like a baby, slowly taking its first steps forward. Felt like three steps back some days. But I kept on seeing Linda. Her calmness and caring and devotion was and is outstanding. Seeing her was something of a lifeline to my broken world.

And slowly, I learned to stand on my own two feet. And then something different, evolved. I started to learn things about myself, about life. It is astonishing the things out there in life, in the Universe, that the textbooks don’t teach you and that Linda open my eyes to.

One of these was the Unconscious.

One December day, I was on the 401 highway, going to my art class when my new pickup backfired. The back end started slipping, fish tailing all over the place, even making a U turn on the highway. My father always said, “If you’re in an accident or going into one, think quick and act quick. You have no time to twiddle.”

Okay, here I was doing 120 km/hr, the oncoming traffic also at 120. So if you hit a car with 240 km of velocity, no one’s coming out alive. I just yanked the wheel and made another U turn ending up in the right direction. But then I felt the right side lifting, the wheels and tires lifting off the pavement and making a complete flip over, ending up on its left side. Sliding 100 feet or so down the side of the 401.

I came out unhurt.

A week later I resumed my classes and I had to drive by the accident site. All I heard was, “Oh, how awful. You could have got hurt. You could have been in a wheelchair or a complete invalid. You poor thing.” It upset me immensely because it wouldn’t stop. Even when I was in class. This went on for a while.

A while back I had read about the ego and that it exaggerates things. It loves to make you guilty, miserable, unhappy, etc. So the next time I went by this site, I yelled at this little voice in my head, and very sharply ordered it to be quiet. Deep down I had my doubts, but the next time I drove by, not a peep from it. It never bothered me about the accident again.

But every now and again, this negative, self condemning part of me rears its ugly head.

When my dad passed, that voice in my head told me it was my fault, I didn’t do enough, and on and on. That’s when I started. That’s when I started seeing Linda.

And again, years later, when his beloved pooch died. That inner voice was scolding me, berating me, telling me that it was all my fault. And on and on this little voice went.

I needed Linda, and she was there. Her kindness, her gentle guidance, her words of wisdom, helping me through my darkest hours.

And I still see her. I have evolved. And so have the experiences in my life. I still learn something new every time I see her. I am so grateful to her. Grateful for the life work she is dedicated to helping people cope, one step at a time, with love and respect and admiration for all our small and great steps. Until we finally wake up and know the power and influence we have to change our life.

Bless you and all the lives you touch, Linda. Thank you.


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