On Being an Empath
August 14, 2013Life is a journey of Self-Discovery,
Transformation & Empowerment.
Are you are looking for a deeper connection with your True Self…
Are you committed to stepping fully on your path…
Are you are searching for purpose in your life…
In your work… In your relationships…
Are you are open to change…
Perhaps you have forgotten how special you are… how each one of us is so unique and yet so important in the cosmic web of life…
Everyone has a story—their own perspective, their own life’s story. Each one is fascinating in its own way, with hills and valleys, filled with a vast richness of emotion and experience. Yet deep within and often hidden, there is access to a stream of unconditional love, abundant peace and limitless joy.
Sometimes we overlook just how precious life is—how precious our life is. Sometimes we are so attached to our past—to our story, we can forget to look around at all the beauty life has to offer us.
Much of our suffering is caused by attachments to limiting beliefs, past experiences or unresolved emotions. These attachments can be conscious or unconscious, and might originate with us, or through our family tree, our social network, our culture.
When we set our attention on what is wrong with ourselves or the world, we become focused on the flaw, and our awareness is presented with an abundance of them.
The Law of Attraction simply states that “energy flows where attention goes.”
We may try to think positively, but unless we make shifts in our unconscious, our affirmations often fail in changing our perceptions.
But there is something we can do about it! We can shift our perception and our reality by CHANGING OUR MIND… We can release our emotional baggage and FIND PEACE… We can work on our inner plan and to KNOW OURSELVES more fully and discover our vast potential.
I love to explore the deeper facets of my being and to release what no longer serves me.
I offer that same deep level commitment to my clientele …
As we work together, my clients inspire me…
I watch their transformation,
see them naturally holding more joy and more peace,
and become more aligned with who they really are…
The start listening more to their own guidance.
And begin to awaken and align to their inner authority, creating a life in harmony with their spirit.
You too, can unravel the joy that lives within you as you begin to live your life in wholeness.
Allow your true Self to unfold and share your gifts with the world.
Open your mind to new possibilities…
Is there any better metaphor in nature than the transformation of the caterpillar into the butterfly for our spiritual growth? Beautiful article, thank you!
Thank you Marcus.