Manifestation through Prayer
January 3, 2018
The Power of Alternative & Energy Healing
March 2, 2018Last summer, I got an interesting message from Tim Emerson of Kwan Yin Healing. Tim had an idea for a program of expert interviews on overcoming emotional challenges, and would I be interested? Tim pointed out that a lot of people are stuck for a number of reasons, but they FEEL stuck for EMOTIONAL reasons. Work through the emotional challenges, the rest of a happy life can follow. I was intrigued, and enthusiastically agreed to participate.
When we face a physical obstacle or a mental puzzle, Tim explained, we generally work through it and resolve the matter. We know it will pass. But when those challenges are emotional, Tim noted, we tend to cling to them, acting as if these feelings will last forever. It’s like smoke filling a room, he said. Naturally, we’d open the windows to air it out. But with that smoke is emotional, we close the windows and shut it in.
But Winston Churchill said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
Once you have awareness that there are some unresolved emotions affecting you, then you can do something about it!
The complete set of interviews is available very reasonably,
but today I’d like to offer you two of them to sample for FREE —
including mine: EMOTIONS AND HEALTH
The interview topics:
– Developing Joy: The Secret of Handling Emotional Challenges (Swami Tirtha)
– Energy in Motion: Using your Emotional Body to Navigate your Path (Christine Clifton)
– Emotions and Health (Linda Lang)
– Systems Constellations: Healing Generational Trauma (Catherine VanWetter)
– Grief: Gateway to Grace (Sheila Applegate)
– Overcoming Negative Thoughts (Arne Pedersen)
– Tending to the Voice of Dissonance (Gitanjali Hemp)
– Overcoming Grief: Rising Above Life’s Difficulty (Robert Clancy)
– The Pain of Moving Forward (Jason Stein)
– Centering with Sound and Intention (Lev Natan)
– Finding Peace of Mind (Grant Connolly)
– Are Your Emotions Eating for You? (Catarina Catarino)
– The Capacity Generator: when you just can’t (Alex Baisley)
– Yoga for Emotional Healing (Paula Youmell)
– Releasing Stuck Emotional Energy Through Sound (Sharon Carne)
Stress, overwhelm, grief, depression, fear, worry, anger, resentment, hopelessness — those inner demons that keep eating away whenever we’re at our weakest — we all feel these at times, yes? Sometimes getting to joy, peace, balance, even just relief, can seem a mere dream.
So how do we get there? Is there some deep secret?
Do we have to climb a sacred mountain? No—these answers are well-known and available. They’re just scattered. And it often takes a little help to apply them successfully.
But it’s actually readily doable.
Now, 16 experts—who have been on both sides of the emotional fence—come together to offer this comprehensive joint interview program.
You’ll learn to overcome these emotional challenges, in ways shared with gentleness, love, and compassion, by the most caring group of people I know. We’ve found joy. We’ll help you find it too.
You will find much of the relief and happiness you’ve sought are close at hand.
Register here now to start with your FREE two sample interviews.
Grace and peace,
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