Your Masterpiece Called Life
August 4, 2016
Diamond Ray Energy Healing
September 2, 2016Often clients come to me with specific issues they need help with. Because I work holistically with the whole self – with the unconscious mind, the intelligence of the body, the energetic system and the Spirit, I am able to help clients illicit change, develop more self awareness, and open to new possibilities.
By now, many people are starting to realize that there is a mind-body connection. Scientific research is discovering the incredible impact our thoughts and emotions have on our health. And we’re just in the infancy of exploring what is possible!
Most healers will tell you that physical issues often have their roots in emotions, thought patterns, beliefs or specific trauma. I have countless examples where clients improved their life and their health by resolving or reducing their grief, their shame, their resentment. Every emotion impacts the body, creating a cocktail of hormones that communicates our internal state with every cell. Every cell knows if you are happy or sad, stressed or relaxed.
There are things we can do to ease our habitual states of uncomfortable emotion, stress and anxiety. Science is proving the benefits of meditation, creative visualization and forgiveness. And there are many things that can be worked with energetically.
When you are going through a stressful situation, try this little exercise adapted from HeartMath Science:
- Recognize the feeling or state of stress or anxiety.
- Take your focus away from your racing mind or any uncomfortable feelings for a moment. Instead place your focus on your heart.
- Imagine that you are breathing in and out of your heart for at least 10 seconds. Or more! More is good! Your breath will actually help you process the energy and emotion.
- Recall a positive memory, one of happiness, joy, adventure or fun. Make the memory as vivid as you can. Put yourself back in the memory and try to re-experience the emotion.
- This will change your internal state and give you an opportunity to consider your stressful challenge now that you have less charge in this moment. In this more detached state, ask your heart what would be a more efficient and beneficial response to your situation. How could you minimize stress in the future?
- Listen to what your heart has to say! Be willing to be surprised. If you don’t “hear” anything, don’t worry. Feel what you feel, even if it is just a slow steady pulse or the deepening of your breath. Your body and unconscious mind are processing. Allow the space for resolution, even if you aren’t conscious of the how’s and why’s.