Clear Sailing…
August 3, 2014Closing A Door
August 8, 2014
I’ve always loved magic… the unseen world, synchronicities, the creative intelligence of the Universe at work. Maybe that’s why I see magic all over the place.
Even every day things can be a conduit of mystery and fascination. Watching the cloud formations move across the sky, knowing there will never be another one quite like this, helps me understand the vastness of the words “unlimited potential.”
I marvel at the complex web of connections that put me in the perfect place at the perfect time. It’s mysterious, magical and delicious…
BUT you have to be open to the possibility that magic even exists. If you’re not, you won’t find any! Your beliefs influence your perception.
Think of magic as a faculty of the imagination – NOT that it is imaginary, but that the creative powers of your mind contribute greatly to your experience. After all, thoughts become things…
If you want to create a more magical life, here’s a few characteristics you can begin to develop…
- BE open. After all, anything is possible…
- BE playful. Laugh more. Enjoy some light, fun-loving energy.
- BE more aware. Magic happens all the time. Look for synchronicities and unexpected blessings. I found $20 on a busy downtown street 2 days ago just thinking about writing this newsletter.
- BE in awe. Awe has a special quality that in itself feels magical. Find something that takes you there. Nature is a great resource. Watch the sunset, gaze at the starry night sky or the delicate beauty of a flower.
- BE in gratitude. An attitude of gratitude will draw more things to you that bring more gratitude. It is a Universal Law. “Like attracts like.”
Any one of these attributes can bring more magic into your life. If you aren’t able to adopt them, it’s time to do some inner work and release whatever is in the way of you living a life that has more magic in it!
Each year I create a Spirit Prayer as a way to focus energy, find alignment and attract blessings into my life. You might like to work with my Spirit Prayer process as well, or a similar manifesting tool, to align energetically to more joy, more peace, more prosperity, more connection…
I have been blessed many times in my life… even in the challenges. So much information came through as I focused on writing this that I’m turning those insights into a magical book.
Energy flows where attention goes. That’s magic to me!