The Spirit of Hula
September 22, 2013
Trip to the Volcano
September 26, 2013
If this message resonates with you, you might like to use it as a tapping script. This is a message I refer to time and again, whenever I feel stagnant or unsure. It always brings me back to balance. I hope it does the same for you…
SEE GENTLY Child, that your hard work is NOT fornot.
It has made you stronger and wiser.
You are almost there. DO NOT GIVE UP!
Keep the faith that the fruits of your labour will be sweet.
Though there have been obstacles recently, you shall NOT toil forever.
However – STOP fighting so hard.
Release the need to control the outcome.
Others are here to support you.
You needn’t struggle alone.
You are ALIGNED WITH PURPOSE and on the correct path.
But you must trust in the Divine and know that you are NOT being led off course.
Though there are brambles and challenges ahead, so too is it the same for many others.
LET YOUR HEART GUIDE YOU, not your head.
Ahead lies a lesson, one that was previously chosen.
It is NOT something to fear, but merely something you will learn from… a life lesson.
Push forward, but at an EASY pace.
Now is NOT the time to act as the hare.
Slow down… ALL in good time…
Now IS the time to find what you thought was lost within yourself long ago.
There is a light there that cannot be doused… a spark of who you truly are.
Any nagging feelings of regret and pain coming to the surface again…
Pay NO mind and NO ill ease, for they too shall go back into hiding.
Positive outcomes and dreams made real…
So long as you work with the Divine, ALL shall work out in your favour.
FORCE NOTHING and TRUST in the Universe.
Patience… Patience… Patience…
ALL will come to fruition soon. You are almost there!
With gratitude to Barbara Jean…