How to Master Your Energy System - Thought Change

How to Master Your Energy System

Navigating the Quantum Leap into the Age of Aquarius
January 3, 2025
Is this the Life You Want to Live?
January 23, 2025
Navigating the Quantum Leap into the Age of Aquarius
January 3, 2025
Is this the Life You Want to Live?
January 23, 2025

Embark on an enlightening journey into the realm of spiritual energy with Dimitri Moraitis, co-director of the Spiritual Arts Institute, as he shares invaluable insights on mastering your energy system in this episode. Tune in to discover sacred practices that elevate consciousness, enhance your aura, and foster resilience amidst the chaos.

Here are three key takeaways for you:

🔹 Daily Energy Hygiene: Dimitri emphasizes the importance of incorporating meditation and visualization techniques into your daily routine, much like brushing your teeth. Using colors like gold in your visualizations can protect and strengthen your aura, providing a spiritual shield throughout your day.

🔹 Connecting with the Higher Self: Discover the profound impact of aligning with your higher self through meditation. By releasing earthly concerns to the divine and focusing inward, you can receive clearer, unbiased spiritual guidance, helping you navigate life’s challenges with grace and wisdom.

🔹 Initiating Positive Change: Learn how to actively engage with your “spiritual bank account.” Dimitri highlights that life’s challenges are opportunities for growth, and by maintaining a positive mindset and aura, you can manifest the change you desire. Relatable examples, like using compassionate energy for professional success, show that transformation starts from within.

For more insights, check out Dimitri’s book “Change Your Aura, Change Your Life,” and explore more resources at the Spiritual Arts Institute’s website:

Tune in now to elevate your spiritual energy and illuminate your path!


Dimitri Moraitis:
It’s a divine principle. If the energy to make something happen is in your aura, it will show up in your life by divine law. And if it’s not in your aura, then you just have to manifest it.

Announcer: Welcome to Exploring the Mystical Side of Life with your host, Linda Lang.

Linda Lang:
Hi. This is Linda Lang from We are here today with Dimitri Moraitis. Dimitri is the co-director of the Spiritual Arts Institute. Welcome, Dimitri.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Thank you for having me on your show.

Linda Lang:
It’s going to be a very interesting conversation. That’s for sure. Today, we’re talking about energy and our energy system and how we can revitalize it, energize it, protect it in the world of energy. So, Dimitri, why don’t we start with a little bit of your background? How did you step into the world of energy?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Right. Right. And, and metaphysics, if you broaden it even further. I started actually more on a creative bent. I was a musician. I played classical piano, and I was starting a career in entertainment, and movies, and TV. And, you know, in that world, you’re, you know, the creative world, you’re always kind of looking for that ineffable. And I was starting to have these what I used to call… I didn’t know what metaphysics was.

So I would say, “Oh, these are my inspiration moments.” But they got so strong that it literally led to a profound spiritual awakening. I call it my “Saul on the road to Damascus” moment. I even then, I didn’t have a name for it at first. And then when I realized it was metaphysics, I couldn’t get enough of it. And literally about a year later, I met Barbara, the co director, you know, and at a dinner party. And, you know, she’s a generation older than me and was the first time I meditated. And that night I knew, you know, she was my teacher.

She was a… Barbara’s… She was basically born clairvoyant and trained by, you know, mystic adepts and all of that. She has a fantastic background. And right away, we started as students. But right away, we also were both interested in writing. So I started to get involved in that side of it. I wasn’t thinking that I was going to be involved directly. I thought I’m very happy being a student.

I’m, you know, still going to try to pursue entertainment. But, I started to realize metaphysics was not just a personal pursuit. It was meant to be a career pursuit. And then we eventually started the Institute to organize her initial teachings, but also start writing more. And then she actually started training me to be a teacher, which also was kind of a surprise at first. And now we open up a center in Encinitas, California, which is by San Diego. We do things around the world, you know, online events around the world. And we’ve start writing a series of books, and everything is really to give a home for these teachings.

What’s so exciting to see from the first time I met her to now is not only how much I’ve grown in these years, but just how much the field has grown, you know, where it was really very fringy back then. Absolutely. Now it’s much mainstream. Yeah.

Linda Lang:
I’ve started my path more consciously probably back in like 1982. And even before that, I was interested in astrology and, you know, psychics, clairvoyance, the whole 9 yards. So, yeah, it has really, really, really grown. What I love about your story is how the path appeared beneath your feet.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you’re… what I always say is, you know, follow your… it sounds corny, but, you know, really, you really do want to follow your bliss. I was raised, you know, in Chicago. I had a, could had a good life there, but I had this calling to be in, you know, entertainment in that Los Angeles town. So I went over there. If I hadn’t gone there, I wouldn’t have met Barbara.

So, you know, the next step in your path may not be the final one, but it takes you to where the real step may be. So you’ve got to be willing. You got to be willing to take some chances. Now, not reckless chances, not doing things just crazy but you’re… something’s really saying I’ve got to do this, but pay attention to it. That’s not coming out of nowhere.

Linda Lang:
Yeah. It’s your soul talking to you. Right?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Sometimes you don’t listen to it because it doesn’t sound rational or it’s scary. It’s taking you out of the familiar or something. But if we think of life more like an adventure, you know, that the whole idea is that we’ve got to… our whole life, not just when we’re young… chart, uncharted territory, then the whole life becomes this exciting adventure.

Linda Lang:
So it is. And so it is. And so here we are in this life. We have this beautiful energy body. There’s energy all around us. Some very beneficial, some maybe not quite so beneficial. How do we learn how to tap into that energy that’s actually going to propel us forward on our path?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Right. Well, you know, the aura is the foundation of that. And, again, Barbara, they call her the Mozart of Metaphysics because of the depth of knowledge and perception of the auric field. People think, oh, you’re a blue. I’m a green. That that’s that’s a very simplistic picture. The aura is an intricate manifestation, meaning everything you’re thinking, feeling, doing, saying, all of it is radiating in your aura, and it’s coming through on all these various energy flows. So like you said, everything comes from a place of energy.

You need energy to create anything in your life. Right? That’s why we… our foundational book, Change Your Aura, Change Your Life, it’s a divine principle. If the energy to make something happen is in your aura, it will show up in your life by divine law. And if it’s not in your aura, then you just have to manifest it. So if you’re seeing… if you’re not seeing something in your life you want, don’t cry about it. You know, just get to work and start changing it. You know, sometimes we see people very successful in their career.

Barbara came to LA during the golden age of Hollywood. She met all the great, you know, movie stars and directors and things like that, and she could see their energies. And one very common thing, she said their success was not accidental. It was in their energy, you know. So, the good news about the aura is you’re not stuck with the aura the way it is. Whatever is… let’s say the snapshot of our aura today, it’s in this state of adaptability. And as you kind of live your life better, as you develop yourself, your aura starts to brighten, your soul starts to evolve. It all correlates. Now we say there’s 2 ways.

Basically, you can change your aura or improve it. One is just we’ve been doing it since the beginning of time with every good word, thought, act, indeed. Every positive thing you’re doing is adding to you, even if you aren’t getting that gold star. So keep doing it because it is showing up in your aura. It is changing you. The other is you can meditate. You can call on energy, request it, in a sense enter into your energy field, and then still you have to affect the change, but it’s, it’s easier. The example we like to give is, let’s say, you’re you’re looking for that raise at your job. You know?

And for some reason, when it comes to go into the boss’s office and ask for it, you you know, you chicken out a little bit and… Now in the aura, the energy of confidence comes through in this gold light. So maybe you don’t quite have as much of that gold in your aura. You know? You you really do deserve the the raise. So meditating with the gold light. Now, you still have to go into the boss’s office and ask for it. But you may find it’s a little easier because it’s almost like you have this secret partner. And then as you actually do it, regardless if the boss gives it to you or not, the very act of standing up for yourself brings that gold energy, and now it starts to actually become part of your auric field.

So when you have to initiate something in another part of your life, all of a sudden you’re going to find it’s a little easier to do because you’ve got the ball rolling. So we’re still responsible for our life. We’re responsible for our own actions. But we don’t realize that we have kind of we call it the spiritual bank account. We have access to this extraordinary power source, but we do have to… it’s not just… I mean, we are blessed by the divine every day, but if you really want to access it, you have to be a part of it. You can’t just be, you know, just expect it to happen because you’re a great person. You have to get engaged with it. And the other facet of the aura, it’s so fascinating is isn’t one energy to work with.

There’s a, there’s a spiritual power related to every facet of life. So, yes, gold is the color of confidence. Another example, we had a doctor in one of the classes and he said, he was very honest. You know, I don’t show enough compassion to my patients. I see so many every day. It’s sort of just in and out, and there isn’t that connect. So he needed to show more compassion. And that energy comes through as a pink energy.

So he meditated with the Love Ray, but he had the show it. He had you know, so he did. He would when the patient would come to the room, he’d slow down a little bit, really connect with them. He reported a couple weeks later, oh my god. Not only is, you know, my patient’s loving this, but my practice is getting even… I’m even more busy now because now they’re realizing, oh, he has good bedside manners. You know? So all these things do have a real effect in your life, but it starts from the inner. And same with healing. Right? Healing starts in the aura too. That’s a whole beautiful field.

Now what you just brought up right now about protection. So alright, we radiate this energy. We’re not… everyone else’s radiating energy. We’re not, we’re not alone in this world. And there’s atmospheres of energy. So we’re living, you know, just like the fish live in the sea. We’re living in a sea of energy and we’re moving through it right now, whether we realize it or not. Well, just like the ocean, you know, poor fish, it may go through a part of the ocean where the water ain’t so clean or things aren’t so wonderful. You know, other parts, it’s pristine and crystal clear, you know. Obviously, they’ll try to move away from the unclean one, but we may be moving into an atmosphere where the energy isn’t so wonderful.

And if we’re not careful, not because of us, just because we don’t know, it’s like not locking your door at night, your home, your home, this energy can enter into your aura if somehow you’re unconsciously permitting that. And then suddenly you’re wondering, well, why am I disturbed? You know, I was feeling great and all of a sudden now I’m kind of worried and I’m just not in such a good mood. Well, in this case, it’s not because of you. You actually picked up this unhealthy energy.

And of course, there are techniques to put more protection around you. And if it did unfortunately get into your aura, you… there are energies for purifying. So, yes, if I do realize, gee, I’m really pissed off for some reason right now, you can bring in an energy to help release that.

Linda Lang:
So, how cautious do you think we need to be when we’re working with energy?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Well, you mean cautious in life? Like, how…

Linda Lang:
I mean, cautious with energy. Like, when we’re meditating specifically or, you know, when we’re interacting with people, there is an energy exchange always.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Yes. Yes.

Linda Lang:
So how can we ensure that we’re not picking up, I guess?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Alright. So that’s a great question. First thing, the law states, a disturbing energy can’t enter your aura unless somewhere you’re permitting it. Now let’s give a basic example, and this is in, in one of the books. Let’s say somebody is really angry at you, and they’re… you’re right in a room with them. They’re right over there, and they’re, they’re yelling at you. Okay. Now we hear the words, you know, we but what we may not realize is they are projecting from their emotional center a disturbing energy into your emotional center.

Now we have 2 ways to go there. Again, the law states negative energy can’t enter your aura unless you permit it to. So let’s say, okay, this person’s angry at me, and I get angry right back at them. Well, what’s that all about? You know, I just react. Well, what we don’t realize is in order to react, we first have to accept their, their anger. In other words, it enters our auric field, and then our reaction is to send back another negative energy back to them. And this can escalate into a fight.

Barbara used to say when she was a kid, it wasn’t always a blessing, seeing the aura because sometimes my parents would argue and I would see this discordant energy between the 2 of them. And it was just… it was almost scary. This was all spiritual, not what they were verbally saying to me. Now it never got violent or anything, but the energy was not healthy. Now, take that same scenario, somebody yelling at you. You know, not just yelling. Somebody angry at you.

And this time, somehow, even if you don’t say anything to them physically, you say, you’re in your mind, you’re saying, I’m not accepting this. I know they’re angry at me. I’m… I refuse to react to this. That energy won’t come in. It will not enter your aura. And, of course, when you’re not fueling a fire, it tends to… they tend to calm down a little bit, you know, and it makes it easier for them. Now I know what I just said is not always easy to do. If you get caught off guard or if it’s a loved one, you know…

Linda Lang:
Or if you feel justified in your perspective. Right?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Right. Right. Now that’s another goodie. Okay. So here’s a here’s a lesson for all that. That’s a really good point. A negative… now this has nothing to do with judgment, about person or anything. Right? There are 2 kinds of energies that work and 2 categories of energies: enlightened and unenlightened.

Enlightened energies are imbued with their divine essence. Unenlightened energies,,, so let it’s, it’s started as divine light, but because, let’s say we got angry, it diluted into this unenlightened energy. And now it’s a menace to our aura, not a contributor. So regardless if you’re completely just like, you stepped on my foot, you practically broke my foot. You know? Okay. Yeah. They did that.

But if I start generating that negative anger, it’s gonna show up in the aura as this dark vitiated red. And guess what? It’s gonna be a debilitating energy, even though exactly what you just said, you’re justified in your anger. Now you can say to them, get off my foot or even push them away to save your foot. But it’s how you do it. If you add that emotional component to it. Now I’m not just saying roll over and play dead. Not at all.

Remember, we need that dynamic energy out there. But if you do it with anger, you know, then that’s a whole different story. Now you’ve gotten into the soup. So what I say to myself now is and we say to students, I don’t have the luxury of an unenlightened emotion. Even if I’m right, if it’s generating a negative energy in my aura, I have to clean it out, and then have to build up the power again. Is it worth it to get angry at them for that? After all that other work on yourself? It’s it’s you. It’s a useless waste of energy, you know? So we have to be strong in life. We, we can’t let people just push us around, of course.

But it’s how we stand up. That’s the key. We have to remember it’s not what’s happening in our life that matters or the measure of our spiritual maturity. It’s how we’re handling what’s happening in our life. If you handle it with, you know, dignity and grace and strength, then you’re doing your part. Your aura is staying strong, and you’re actually helping the whole situation because you’re, you’re the adult in the room at that moment. Right? You’re the one that’s saying no. I’m not gonna get…

What did Rudyard Kipling said, “If you can hold your head about you and all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.” You know, we have to, we have to play that role. And I understand it’s not easy. But even if, let’s say, this time I completely goofed, I get all pissed off and angry. Oh, well, you’re going to get another opportunity to not do that. So next time, maybe be a little stronger.

Linda Lang:
There’s always another opportunity. Always. Always. Exactly. So, Dimitri, are there any colors that you would recommend being used for protection?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Yes. Yes. So the gold; the golden ray…. so it brings them the dynamic, the dynamic power I just mentioned earlier, but it’s also the single greatest protective light. I know a lot of people work with the white light; that has a protective element to it as well, but it’s hard to maintain the white light. For you for it to work for you, you have to really stay in that higher consciousness all the time.

But the gold, so even just seeing yourself in this golden bubble of white light, of gold light all around you, that’s very, very helpful. But, again, like we like to say in the classes, look, you could be living in Fort Knox, this super secure place, but if you open the front door, people come in. So it doesn’t matter how much golden light you put around you, if you get into it again, you’re blowing your cover. But if you can, let’s say, keep that maintenance because sometimes, you know, people come with a lot of force. Right? And it’s hard to keep that head about you. Okay. You got that golden light. You’re not reacting. Then you’re gonna be fine.

Linda Lang:
So that actually brings up a really good point. When we use this golden light, is this a maintenance kind of thing? And as we use it more and more, it builds the strength of our aura?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Absolutely. The, the more you bring the light, the stronger aura becomes. Absolutely. But you do need to, we recommend daily meditation because, you know, you brush your teeth daily. You bathe right. You know, you don’t you don’t just meditate…brush your teeth… oh, okay.

It’s teeth brushing once a week. We, you know, life… you know, we’re going to get mud on us. We live in a world and, you know, stuff’s happening. That’s okay. We’re, we’re… our soul is strong. But, yes, you reinforce it every day. And if you know you’re going to an environment that might be a little bit, you know, not the best, you, you can, you can also, do what we call send the light ahead of you. So let’s say you’re going to do a meeting the day at your, at your work and, you know, boy, it might be a little bit volatile there.

Well, you just ask the light to go ahead of you so that it’s already there when you’re at your meeting. And then you put your protection around you. And if you do feel any of these bombardments, again, there’s sometimes that tendency to knee jerk react. Just, just, just keep that center. You know? Okay. People may be a little upset or this may happen, but don’t just be reactive. Try to stay ahead of that curve and think, well well, what’s really the need here? What, what are we trying to accomplish here? And then you’re coming back to center. Yeah.

Linda Lang:
Beautiful. Beautiful. And where does our higher self fit into all of this?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Well, it’s the guiding light. It’s… the beauty of the higher self is it’s not so we have this we have this okay. We have an aura, but the aura is actually contained in, like, a shell, and there’s different shapes of that shell. And, yes, of course, energy can radiate beyond or contract, but, basically, believe it. It’s not like a cloud or or it’s more like we’re encased in this energy. And but the higher self is actually above that. It looks like a it is a point of light about 2 feet above the head, and you can think of it like the satellite in space. You know, if you’re trying to receive a signal from deep space, it’s a lot easier to send it to the satellite first than the satellite beams it to earth.

So as the light is coming from the Divine Source, it’s actually first going to that higher self and then it’s coming down to us. So actually, our, the technique, the meditative technique, the formal name is the Higher Self Meditation because to to bring the light, you have to first access the higher self and then bring it down into your aura. And the beauty of the higher self, it’s always working on your behalf. It’s not caught up as Shakespeare said in the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. It stays in that pure state of consciousness, but it’s also very close to you. It’s keenly aware of, you know, the dynamics of what’s going on, and the light’s coming down regularly to try to help us in our life. And really with the meditation, we’re trying to cooperate with that process.

Linda Lang:
And the more we connect with our higher self, the more beneficial.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Right. Exactly. Exactly. But the one key is you you have to let your troubles go. You can’t go to your higher self with all your troubles. In other words, the Divine knows what’s going on in your life. Right? So what you have to do is you may have things you’re praying about, but when you’re going to a higher self, you’re letting it all go, and you’re saying, God, I’m coming to you to be with you. Now, we give this example in the, in the Torah, you know, of Moses going before the burning bush. He had a lot of trouble.

He had a lot of thoughts on his mind. You know? Oh my god, we gotta free the Israelites. How am I gonna, you know? He didn’t come on a lark. Right? And what was the first thing the divine said to him? Take your shoes off; the ground on which you stand is holy. Well, shoes means earth understanding. Feet means earth power.

So they’re saying let go of these troubles. You’re coming to the Divine. There is no trouble in the world of Divine. This is where your solution is, the answer is. So the more ironically we can put our troubles on the altar of God and trust… Of course, we have to do our part again. It’s not automatically going to happen… But the more we don’t kind of hold on to all of it like this, the more the answers actually do come.

Linda Lang:
And, of course, our higher self is our eternal being. So probably the things that we’re so concerned about really aren’t very important on the scale of eternity. Right?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Well, let’s put it this way. They’re lessons. Right? We are learning lessons. So when we’re a kid and, (crying) I didn’t get that toy I wanted, you know… Okay, the lesson is not the toy. The lesson is why were you so attached to that little toy. You know? We’re learning those little, you know, those things, and each one builds. So if we look at our… even our adversities as opportunities. I love it that the, the Chinese symbol for crisis is the same symbol as opportunity.

Linda Lang:
That’s very interesting.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So if you have a difficulty, is it a crisis or an opportunity? It’s a little bit your choice there.

Linda Lang:
A little bit like anxiety and anticipation are emotions that feel the same in the emotional body.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Well, of course, anxiety is a type of worry. Right? And that, by the way, in the aura shows up as a gray light. So we don’t want that. Anticipation. Yeah. It it could be you’re excited about something. You can’t wait for it happen. Or, but if you’re anxious about it… now there’s gonna be a normal amount of that.

But, again, you don’t… worry means you’re not really trusting the Divine. You know? There’s an interesting statistic. I just read this long time ago. I assume it’s still valid, but soldiers going into battle, literally the battle, you know, of course, they’re worried, am I gonna die? Right? Am I gonna get shot? Am I gonna get killed? Am I gonna get blown up? Am I gonna get maimed? For some reason, the statistics show that those that thought they weren’t gonna make it, that maybe they were gonna get killed, were more likely the ones that didn’t come home. Isn’t that interesting? The ones that somehow thought, no. I’m gonna get through this. I’m serving my country.

You know, there was, there was an attitude before going into the battle that seems to have played a role in the outcome. Now, again, it wasn’t always that way. But isn’t that interesting?

Linda Lang:
I suppose it could be a little bit of premonition, too. Right?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Well, possibly. Possibly. But the point is, what did, what did Job say? That which I feared most has come upon me. The thing we worry about tends to attract the very worry back to us. So if you’re worried about something that you don’t want to happen, why are you putting your attention on it? Because you’re actually attracting it.

Linda Lang:
Which goes back to our aura because when we think about it, the energy’s in our aura and here it comes.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Exactly. So, yeah, and there’s another huge thing, watch your thoughts. Okay. You know, on the Other Side, you know, we, we can… we’re sort of telepathic with each other. Here we think, oh, you have no idea what I’m really thinking, you know? But it’s showing up in your aura. Exactly. And it starts with the climate of our mind.

Dimitri Moraitis:
It all starts with the mind. Yeah.

Linda Lang:
I tell my clients there are no secrets because it is in your energy field. And even if you don’t see it, if you can’t see energy, you’ll be picking it up in some way. Right? You’ll feel it or sense it in some way.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Yes. Of course. We’re all intuitive. We’re all intuitive. Yeah.

Linda Lang:
Dimitri, what do we do if we’re really stuck and, and we can’t feel the connection with our higher self and we really need some help?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Meditate. Strongly recommend meditation. Meditation is your one-on-one time with the Divine. And meditating is not walking on a beach. It’s not walking that you can be in sort of a meditative state doing that. Meditation, the body is physically still. You are going inside. You are not engaging with the world at this moment to reconnect with the real you, who you really are. You know, we, we can get lost in the activities of our life, and we need these moments to pull back. And that will help us find our center.

Linda Lang:
And how do you feel about angels or spirit guides or asking for help from the other side?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Well, we get to a whole podcast on that one. Right? These are not little things you brought up.

Linda Lang:
Not little things.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Yeah. Well, the thing to remember here is we’re not alone. You could be stuck on a desert island a 1000 miles from another person. You are not alone. So we’re, we’re going through this process in a cooperative effort. The unseen world, the unseen celestial beings, they are guiding us. The… there’s a beautiful expression in the Talmud for every blade of grass, there’s an angel bending over saying grow.

You know? So there’s a coop… it doesn’t mean they’re doing it for us or they’re moving us around like pawns on the chessboard, but it means that there’s this cooperative effort. And the more you open up to that cooperation, even when we’re asking for the light, it’s not coming by itself. The angels are sending it. Right? So there’s a cooperative effort with these beings. And they’re not just doing this on their own. It’s part of the ladder of Life, to the Ultimate, to the Divine, to God. They are the ladder to God. You know? So, the more we connect with them, the more they’re going to help us in our spiritual evolution.

Linda Lang:
Beautiful. Beautiful. And the more we open, the more spirit can flow through.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Right. Yeah, it has to be free will. You can have the highest being in front of you, but if you say, no, I don’t want to do it, you know? Okay. It’s a missed opportunity

Linda Lang:
I’m sure there’s times where we’ve all done that.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the thing we have to remember here, and Barb used to say this, you know, when you go to the higher, it’s not to win the, the lottery. You know? Oh, please give me those lottery numbers, I promise I’ll do good with the money. No. No.

No. They’re going to tell you what you need to hear. And what if it’s not what you want to hear? So when you go to the higher, you can’t condition it. You can’t say, you know, I’ll only listen to you if you tell me what I want to hear. You may want this person in your life, but whatever the inspiration is, they’re totally not right for you. If you’re not ready to hear that, then like you said, you’re not ready to open up to them. So you have to be willing to… this is the idea of kind of, you know, in prayer and reverence, you’re letting go, But you also have to trust that whatever they… whatever is brought through really is for your best interest. No. No. That person isn’t right for you. Look over here. Been waiting all along, you know, but your attention was over here. Yeah.

Linda Lang:
That happens many, many times, right?

Dimitri Moraitis:
We get dazzled by the moment.

Linda Lang:
Absolutely. Are there any closing thoughts you’d like to leave us with?

Dimitri Moraitis:
You know, I’m sure many of your viewers, they’re watching here because they’ve had their own awakening. They’ve had their own spiritual stirring, whether it was a gradual thing or they’ve had it the whole life or whether it was dramatic, whatever it is. And all I would say is that’s not accidental. Please do everything you can to make your spiritual growth, your spiritual life a higher priority in your life, and it’ll bless everything else you’re doing.

Linda Lang:
And, Dimitri, where can we send people who want to learn more?

Dimitri Moraitis:
Yes, please. We have a nonprofit Spiritual Arts Institute, and the website We have a 25th anniversary edition coming out of Change Your Aura, Change Your Life with some new material in there and numerous books you can check out on, you know, Amazon or your bookstore.

Linda Lang:
Thank you so much for being my guest today, Dimitri.

Dimitri Moraitis:
Oh, it’s my pleasure. Thank you for having me on and all the good work you’re doing. Thank you.

Linda Lang:
Thank you. And thank you for listening to this week’s edition of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. You will find all of our conversations on YouTube, Apple Podcasts on Spotify. Come visit me at Pick up your copy of Learning to Listen. We just heard how important that is. We’ll see you again next time. Bye for now.

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