Is this the Life You Want to Live?
January 23, 2025
Embark on an enlightening journey into the mystical realms of the Akashic Records with Amy Robeson on this episode of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. Take a deep dive with us as we delve into Amy’s profound insights and spiritual practices that promise to unlock profound personal transformation.
In this episode, Amy Robeson shares the versatile and transformative power of the Akashic Records and how they can complement and enhance your spiritual path.
Here are three key takeaways for you:
🔹 Embrace the Journey: Learn from Amy’s personal spiritual evolution, from navigating a dark period in her life to discovering practices like yoga, meditation, and ultimately, the Akashic Records. Her story emphasizes the importance of following spiritual “breadcrumbs” and enjoying the journey rather than fixating on the destination.
🔹 Align with Your True Self: Understand the concept of “reparenting” oneself to address past influences that hinder progress. Amy discusses how different aspects of oneself (mental, emotional, spiritual) can misalign due to past experiences and provides practical advice for achieving coherence by listening to your intuition and heart.
🔹 Unlock the Akashic Records: Gain insights into the sacred practice of accessing the Akashic Records. Amy emphasizes setting intentions and approaching the Records from a place of pure love. Understand the significance of proper training to avoid false Akashic Records and how Amy’s continually refined method aligns with each student’s unique energy.
Amy also takes a peek at Linda’s Records, touching on dragon energy and black diamond energy, and channels a message for the listeners.
Tune in today to explore the wisdom of Amy Robeson and learn how the Akashic Records can be a guiding light in your spiritual journey.
Amy Robeson:
For me, I believe that the Records is a life tool and that it’s a tool that couples well with any other spiritual modalities, any other spiritual tools in your toolbox, and tools that you don’t even realize that you have access to because your soul has access to them in previous lifetimes or on different timelines as well.
Announcer: Welcome to Exploring the Mystical Side of Life with your host, Linda Lang. Hi.
Linda Lang:
This is Linda Lang from www.ThoughtChange.com. We are Exploring the Mystical Side of Life once again this week. If you enjoy our conversations, remember to subscribe, share with a friend. Today, we have spiritual healer, teacher, and channel, Amy Robeson with us. Welcome, Amy.
Amy Robeson:
Hi. Thanks for having me.
Linda Lang:
You are a healer and a teacher, the Akashic Records, DNA activations, light language, all kinds of things. Can you share with us how you stepped onto your spiritual path?
Amy Robeson:
Following the energy. It’s really like… I was in a dark place, and at the time, I didn’t have the words intuitive guidance, but I was getting intuitive guidance to, start yoga. And that led me to want to do dream interpretations, led me to meditations, led me to the Akashic Records, channeling, all sorts of different stuff, and it just follow the energy. That’s all that I ever did is just like, “oh, that sounds interesting. My heart says, yes. Let’s do that.” Okay.
Linda Lang:
I think that’s perfect, and that’s really the wisdom that’s been passed down through the ages, right, to follow the spiritual bread crumbs. So many of us want to know the destination instead of taking one step at a time and enjoying the journey.
Amy Robeson:
It’s the journey. It really is. And the the beautiful thing is is I would’ve never guessed. Someone can tell you you’re going to do something and, yes, that could possibly come true, but it’s usually 10 times better than what you even perceive it’s going to be, which that’s always the fun part, I find.
Linda Lang:
I think too that sometimes if you know the whole destination, like, where you’re going and the possibilities, you could turn around and run the other way.
Amy Robeson:
Yes. I have Akashic Records students that you know, the way that I teach the Akashic Records, it’s for the past, the present, and the future. And when they get really nervous or scared, they go into avoidance, and it’s because they’re perceiving it in a particular way. And to me, this is where it’s important to work on the past, the present, and the future because if you are in avoidance mode or you found that you’re journeying inward and you’re collapsing, you’re scared to do that thing, you can get guidance on how to work through that. And when you work through it, because it’s always a character building experience, when you work through it, you’ll come out being 10 times stronger than you were before. But you have to be willing to do the work. And you have to be willing to be honest with yourself that you are an avoidance or you’re scared or you’re nervous or whatever it is that’s coming up for you. The honesty allows the breakthrough to happen as well.
Linda Lang:
So, how do you know that you are in resistance, let’s say, or something isn’t for you? How do you know if it’s guidance saying, “No, don’t do that,” or your own fears?
Amy Robeson:
That’s a great question. So for me, what I am always looking at is, am I still thinking about it? Because if I’m still thinking about it, if I’m still leaning into it, there’s a reason why I’m leaning into it. And there is something in it for me if I go through with it. Then, if there is resistance, let’s say I’m dragging my feet and it’s not in alignment, the most important thing is to get curious and ask. Like, that’s how you’re going to know. Like, is this in alignment or out of alignment? And sometimes people will put themselves in precarious situations because they feel that that is the path to take because it’s the right path because of how they’re gonna be perceived if they’re on that path versus following their heart and being on the true path that allows the authentic self to shine brightly. And sometimes that means taking a road that’s less traveled or a road that’s never been traveled before in your lineage or in your family.
Linda Lang:
That’s really how we’ve been programmed. Right?
Amy Robeson:
Mhmm. Absolutely.
Linda Lang:
Make our decisions from our head. So interesting. And so when someone is in that, let’s call it a crossroad place where they can actually follow their heart, but they might not even know it’s their heart. Right? They might not know, or they’re trying to logically work it out. What kind of guidance would you give them to help them be clearer on the path before them?
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. So for for me, there’s several things. One is leaning into your spiritual tools. There’s lots of spiritual tools out there, lots of them that are free, like meditation, breathing exercises. Those two tools alone are going to help you get clear and centered, and meditation is going to allow you to hear answers to your prayers or desires… whatever word you want to give that… desires or prayers. And when you get quiet and you allow stillness in, doesn’t matter if your mind’s still going a milliom miles an hour, you can still use the breath… even if it’s for a millisecond. You’re going to start receiving guidance. And by slowing down, you actually speed up.
The other thing that I love to to to teach and to talk about is the bodies because sometimes you are in full alignment with what you’re wanting to do, but there is one or more aspects of your being – you’re very multidimensional – there’s one or more aspects of your being that’s scared and nervous because they’re stuck in the past. Our bodies are stuck in the past, and they’ll sabotage it. And a good example of this is, like, have you ever been so excited to do something and then all of a sudden you talk yourself out of doing it? I know, like, I’ve done this. Like, I have someone in my life that does this constantly. We’ll be making plans for months in advance, and then all of a sudden that comes forward, “I got a headache. I don’t feel good.” And it’s not that they don’t feel good, and they might not feel good at the time, but they’ve convinced themselves they’re not worthy of having that fun experience.
Linda Lang:
Sometimes you can manifest like an illness or some type of crisis to get you out of fulfilling that commitment.
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. Because we’re so multidimensional. And so one of the things with your bodies… when I’m referring to the bodies, it’s your mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, ego, and inner child. And so you could be processing something on an emotional level that you’re really scared of, and then all of a sudden the physical body starts having tension, and then it sabotages the whole situation or you feel unworthy of it or whatever it is. And you are in full alignment.
And so this is what I call reparenting yourself back to wholeness and understanding how whole you are and how multidimensional you are is by having conversations with these different aspects of your being. You can then, one, become the adult in this situation, take all your little children, which are your bodies, and they could be at all different ages and all different stages. And in a child, that you can be 50 years years old, it doesn’t matter. All aspects of your being are stuck in the past. And the more that we commune with them, the more that we have conversations with these parts of our being, the more you get a better understanding of how multidimensional you are and how much these parts of you are impacting your reality and how you perceive life itself. And they can all be on different pages and the same pages at the same time.
Linda Lang:
It sounds a little bit like multiple personalities. Right?
Amy Robeson:
Kinda. We are so multifaceted, and so you can think about it from this perspective. Like, you can be scared and excited all at the same time. And because you’re scared, there’s a part of you that’s scared to do something, and then there’s a part of you that’s super excited. And it’s okay to have both feeling. It truly is, and that’s a part of the human experience. We are blessed with having feelings and emotions, and emotions are super complicated. And I’m a big believer in that it’s really important in the spiritual community that everyone understands that it’s okay to be human.
And you are a spirit having a human experience, and you chose to have a human experience. You made a decision to have a human experience, and so embrace the experience. Embrace it fully because when you embrace it fully, magical doors start to open up because you’re embracing the experience fully versus resisting it and wanting to go home. I hear that a lot. I want to go home. I miss my home. And guess what? You’re here. Take advantage of it. And it’s okay if you’re sad.
Linda Lang:
And it’s actually a gift to be here when you can view it from that higher level. You know, Amy, it’s so interesting when you talk about these little parts because it’s so fascinating to watch someone slip into one of their parts and react from this unconscious place. I think of one particular experience that I got to witness where a fellow went into being like an 8 year old little boy and feeling really bad for his actions. And his whole demeanor, his posture, how he spoke completely switched in the moment. Right? It was just so interesting to watch.
Amy Robeson:
It’s really fascinating. And I love working with the bodies because you can then enter it from a place of empowerment where you, your conscious self is going in and you’re working with these parts and you’re inviting them to talk to you. You’re inviting them to be honest with you so that you can love them. You can love yourself back to wholeness. And we are all in desperate need of more love. Like, we can’t get too much love. There’s no such thing. Our cup can be overflowing with love.
And the more that you give yourself permission to look at how you behave and why you’re behaving that way, and this is where the curiosity comes in, where you’re getting curious instead of judging it. You’re getting super curious about it, you can then have a self-discovery. And self-discovery allows you to evolve. And why we’re here is we’re here to evolve. You’re here to have certain experiences, and not all of them are meant to be perfect. Not all of them are good experiences. We are meant to have character-building experiences. We are meant to experience grief. And this is sometimes really hard for people to process because they’re like, I don’t want to experience grief.
Well, guess what? At some point in your life, someone’s going to pass away that you love. You’re going to lose something you love, and your bodies are going to all process that in very particular ways. Some of them will be similar. Some of them will not. Some of them will be healthy. Some of them not so healthy. And you get a chance to work with these aspects to then heal them so that you can have it as a character-building, evolving experience versus something that knocks you back 1 year, 10 years, 20 years. Because it all depends on the experience and how you choose to react to it, and it’s all choices you get to make.
Linda Lang:
And we all have these parts.
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. All of us. If we choose to look at it or not, you know, you hear that saying check your ego at the door. I am so not like that. I’m more like, take your ego, hold her hand or his hand, invite them to sit next to you and be a curious student. Because the more you check your ego at the door, the more the ego actually stays in the past and becomes an unruly child.
Linda Lang:
Exactly. You need your ego, so you want to have cooperation.
Amy Robeson:
Absolutely. Your ego is here to keep you safe, and your ego tells you, “Hey, there’s a cliff over there. You’re not going to want to take any more steps forward.” “That person’s definitely not a good person to connect with. They’re energetically, they’re not a match for you.” Or, “Hey, you’re going to burn yourself. Don’t touch that.” Your ego has a job and a purpose, and you pick your ego up along the way in this human experience, and you are a team. And your job is to assist the ego in evolving so that you can evolve as well.
Linda Lang:
So, Amy, how important is it for us to check the Akashic Records to help us in our path of evolution?
Amy Robeson:
So everybody’s different. So the Records, the Akashic Records, start speaking to the soul when the soul is ready to start experiencing them. And I teach the Akashic Records through my program called Sacred Awakening. And it totally is up to the person because there’s so many different modalities that someone can be attracted to. For me, the Akashic Records is my through line through everything in all of my spiritual practices. I am constantly tapping in and checking in. In terms of, like, the bodies and the Records, you can work with the bodies in the Records. You can work with the bodies outside of the Records.
You can utilize the Records to have a deeper understanding of working with the bodies and getting additional information and exercises and things like that. I believe that the Records is a life tool and that it’s a tool that couples well with any other spiritual modalities, any other spiritual tools in your toolbox, and tools that you don’t even realize that you have access to because your soul had access to them in previous lifetimes or on different timelines as well. And so it depends on the person on its importance at that moment in time in their life if they’re meant to be working in the Records or not working in the Records. Does that make sense?
Linda Lang:
Absolutely. And it’s pretty interesting to consider that we could all, and probably all do, have tools that we’re not aware of so we’re not accessing and utilizing and developing further.
Amy Robeson:
Yes. So for me, I work in the Records and I started downloading information. Like, I heard about DNA activations, and then I started downloading information about DNA activations because I started hearing about it. And then, when I learned how to activate the DNA, I was taught a certain process. And then, the second I got my DNA activated, they showed me this entirely different process because here’s the door. It opens. That’s all I needed. I just need the the door open.
And because I have access to my Records, they’re like, “This is how you do it. This is how you access the information. This is how you’ve always accessed it, and this is information you’ve had access to in previous lifetimes.” And so it’s really cool because it’s like, that’s so neat. And that’s why the Records for me is my through line because I’m like, everything I need to know is recorded in the Akash. And so I just need to open the Records and ask.
Linda Lang:
So how often do you actually go in and check your own Records?
Amy Robeson:
Daily. This is what I do for a living, so it’s really simple and easy, so I’m doing it daily. And once you start and, like, for my students, I tell them, like, “Hey, go in 5 minutes a day.” Like, we have this misconception around spiritual practices where they think some people think that they need to be prim and proper. They need to be in this white robe, and they need to spend hours and hours doing it. No. You can show up in the clothes you wore the day before, in your pajamas, whatever it is that you want to show up in, and they’re going to love you. The guardians are going to love you no matter what, because they want to support you. They want to support you in growing, and they want to support you in whatever topic you want to look at for the day, which is awesome. And you don’t have to spend hours. It can just be 5 minutes.
Linda Lang:
And so it’s not a big ritual to actually get into the Records.
Amy Robeson:
No, not the way that I teach it. There’s many different ways that people teach the Records. My method is short and simple because I want people to go in quickly. I want you to get be able to start getting answers quickly. We live in an instant gratification world. Social media has messed up our attention span, and so we need something quick and fast. And you can spend as much time in there.
Sometimes you go in there and you think you’re going to spend 5 minutes, you end up an hour in there. While other times you’re like, only got 10 minutes. Okay. Set a timer. Turn it on. They don’t care if you have to go. It’s okay.
Linda Lang:
So is there any concern that you might end up somewhere other than the Records? That maybe you’re in some other dimensional library with information that’s not applicable?
Amy Robeson:
There is such thing as false Akashic Records. I’m a really big believer. It’s really important to be properly trained. Because if you’re not properly trained and the access point in which you’re accessing the Records also matters. Because if you’re working with someone that’s only been, let’s say, playing in the Records for less than a year and now they’re teaching it, their depth and understanding of the Records might not be very deep. The opening might be very shallow, and you want something that’s deep and wide and has depth to it, and you wanna make sure you’re accessing it from a place of pure love.
And not every way that someone accesses the Akashic Records is proper for the student. I have students that will come to me and they’re like, I’ve taken other courses. It didn’t work for me, and and it’s because they weren’t in alignment with that method. Doesn’t mean the method’s wrong. It’s just not in alignment for that person. And so, you want to find a teacher and the method in which someone is teaching the Records that feels in alignment with you because I might not be everybody’s cup of tea either. It’s… you got to find the person that feels right.
And I’ve have over a thousand Akashic Record students that I’ve taught people on how to open up their Akashic Record. So our method in sacred awakening is very deep and very wide, and we’re constantly… and I say “we” because the guardians and I, like, I’m constantly cleaning it and deepening it because I’m doing the work that’s meant to be done in my own Records so that I can teach it from a place of authenticity as well.
Linda Lang:
Such good advice for choosing a healer as well, that there needs to be that resonance.
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. Absolutely. And sometimes we do find teachers that were meant to study with to find out that that’s exactly not the way you want to be a teacher, and that’s exactly what you were meant to get out of that relationship. And so every experience that you have, you can learn from it.
Linda Lang:
Amy, can we check the Records?
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. Do you want me to do a reading for you?
Linda Lang:
I would love that.
Amy Robeson:
And then I’ll what I’ll do is I’ll channel a reading for your audience as well. So because we’re doing this in a group setting, anything that I share with Linda that resonates with you is also for you. Anything that doesn’t resonate, leave it behind. And then I’ll also channel a message for the group as a whole too. So, Linda, go ahead and close your eyes and bring your awareness into your heart space. And then just take a nice deep breath in and a cleansing breath out. Then bring your awareness just slightly back, and I’m seeing a black diamond. Go ahead and touch that if you’re noticing it or sensing it or just allow the energy to just kind of swirl around you. And then let me know when you connect with that energy.
Linda Lang:
Yeah. I’ve connected.
Amy Robeson:
Okay. And then once you connect with it, I want you to imagine your crown chakra opening up. And then I want you to just bring that black diamond energy all the way down into the soles of your feet from the crown chakra down. And then what happens when you do that?
Linda Lang:
It feels like I’m in the center of a lotus.
Amy Robeson:
Beautiful. Beautiful. And then, let me see if they want me to keep you here for a second. Yes, they want me to keep you here for a second. Being in that center of the lotus, there’s been… they’re telling me there’s been several things that been on your mind lately that’s been causing… they’re just showing me, like, a, like, a raft in the river, and the raft is starting to untangle from itself. So it’s like, “Oh my god. Like, I gotta keep this log still attached to the raft,” and you’re trying to, like, put the raft still together still while trying to float down the river.
So they’re saying you’re, you’re, you’re juggling too much and that it’s really important to give yourself permission to bank the raft, to give yourself permission to say, “Okay. I’m going to get off the river for just a moment, and I’m going to bank the raft. I’m going to repair the raft.” Because part of what’s coming forward for you is there’s a lot of new spiritual technology that’s very ancient, very old. Your soul has been connected to for a very long time, but there isn’t space for it to land right now because you’re constantly floating down the river at a rapid pace. It’s like a white water rafting. Like, it’s rapid and it’s quick. And so they’re wanting you to slow down, and I don’t know if you have any time scheduled off.
They’re saying it’s crucial that you take at least 3 to 4 weeks off this year. I know it’s huge, and it doesn’t have to be all at once. But they’re saying that take the time over the next… and they’re wanting you to do this quickly because if you don’t do it quickly, you’re going to change your mind. So over the next, I’m hearing 2 weeks, to look at your calendar and make it a priority to look at your calendar every day and put a little note when am I taking vacation and then scheduling the vacation. But it’s crucial because they’re saying that the the time off is when you’re going to receive a lot of downloads and a lot of information. And what it’s going to do is prep you for next year where you take off even more time. Like, I see you taking 3 months out of the year off next year. Slowing down is going to allow you to speed up.
And so give yourself permission to do the 3 weeks this year, and then you’ll then take the time where it’s like, “Okay. Let’s just take the calendar, and I’m going to block off this, this, this, this, and that.” And they’re saying you deserve it. And there’s going to be things that come through, and they’re wanting me to say that raft analogy again that you can’t fix the raft in the floating river. The the raft has to be pulled off the river to be fixed properly. You can kind of fix it in the river, but it’s a patch job. And there’s nothing… they’re… you’re not broken. But they’re saying, like, really do a deep repair of your mind, body, soul. Extra time is required for you to take off.
Linda Lang:
It really feels like I’m in the midst of a realignment now. So it makes sense that in order to pivot that you need to allow yourself the space to do that. Right?
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. And then working with the black diamond energy. They’re saying that pulling it into the heart and then opening up the the crown chakra and then pulling it down to the soles of your feet really anchor you differently in your center, in your heart space, in that lotus flower. And that technology, that spiritual technology is going to open you up even more to to what’s to come and what’s wanting to come in.
Linda Lang:
It’s so interesting because I already channeled the diamond ray, which is not a black diamond. Like, it’s colorful, like like the sparkles of a rainbow. So it’s really interesting to add this other dimension into that.
Amy Robeson:
Well, because the diamond frequency is so powerful, and then you have all the different colors of diamonds. And the black diamond really wants to work with you. Like, I just see it as this really beautiful being that’s like, like Everest. It’s very strong. It’s very powerful. It’s very potent, and it’s very anchoring. Because it has a high vibration of the diamond, but it’s like, poof, just super anchoring and super rooting.
Linda Lang:
Nice. I’ll look forward to getting more information about that for sure.
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. Any anything else or any questions you have?
Linda Lang:
I have a million questions, but let’s see. Is there anything else you can tell me about the black diamond? Is it energy for healing, for changing consciousness? For bringing more spirit into this dimension? Like…
Amy Robeson:
The diamond frequency… Linda, I have no clue if you work with dragons or not, or elementals, or anything like that, but I see the black diamond energy very connected to the dragons, the elementals. And, with the dragons, all the dragons have different powers, different connections, different abilities. And so, if you think about dragons in terms of the rainbow as well, like a blue, a red dragon, a black dragon, they’re all going to have these really different cool abilities. Well, if you connect with this black diamond, you’re going to see that there is a really powerful dragon that you haven’t worked with yet that’s very connected to the energy, and the elemental realm in general. And it’s going to be a very powerful way for you to connect with some of the technology you’ve been connecting with for a very long time. And, they’re wanting me to keep saying “technology.” I don’t know if you refer to some of your tools as technology, but they’re wanting me to emphasize it is a technology.
And I think that’s for your listeners, that when we’re connecting through meditation, through guided visualizations, through journaling, through channeling, We are connecting with different spiritual technologies, and it’s really important that you understand it’s a technology and that it can be of good or of harm. And we need to make sure that you’re being very – not you, but just in general to your audience, I’m saying this – that it’s, you’re really clear that the technology that you’re using is for good and it is to assist you because you don’t want to entangle yourself with technology that is harming in any way to the nervous system, or harming in general to the psyche as well. So, back to you in terms of the black diamond, it’s connected to the elementals. It’s connected to this big, I just see this big, gigantic dragon. So,how often have you worked with the dragons?
Linda Lang:
Well, I have a dragon actually that cleans my healing room after I work with people that come in person. When I work online, I’m typically here in front of my computer, but that dragon… I’ve probably had that dragon. Oh my gosh. I don’t know. Maybe, like, 8 years, maybe.
Amy Robeson:
Oh, I love it. So this particular one is going to help you with even giving yourself permission of taking time off. Like, I see him being, like he’s when I say huge, think of, like, a 2-storey house, but a ranch. Like, wide and gigantically big. Like, he’s just massive, and he’s going to help you with that piece. And then, more about the black diamond. What else do you want to say about the black diamond? They’re saying it’s a technology for freement of the soul. And what they mean by free like, freeing of the soul, we get entangled with our thoughts.
We get entangled and enmeshed with our past. And so, if there’s a certain way that you’re always doing something and, like, and you’re aware that you’re doing it, you can use the black diamond to help you kind of untangle yourself from those thoughts that keep you going. “I got to stay here.” “I got to do this.” “There’s too much stuff to do.” Whatever it is… Those thoughts and those words that are playing in the subconscious and in the conscious, it’ll just cut through all the noise and all all the baloney.
Linda Lang:
Well, that would be a beautiful, beautiful gift.
Amy Robeson:
I’m excited for you. And one of the, one of the times off goes somewhere, and it’s really important for you to be near the ocean. Go somewhere near a body of water. And I’m gonna say it again, they said the ocean. So not just any body of water, it’s specifically the ocean. So any ocean will do, they said.
Linda Lang:
Perfect. That is perfect. It’s a done deal.
Amy Robeson:
Awesome. And then as far as your audience, anything that I was sharing with Linda that resonated, take that Leave the rest behind. This is just a channeled message… We’re in a great time of awakening, and it’s really important to pay attention to the thoughts that you’re thinking. And the more that you start slowing down and going, why did I just say that? Do I really mean that? Or, I said something to my daughter the other day, and I’m like, why did I just say that? And it was programming from my childhood. I sounded exactly like my mother. And I was like, oh, that’s programming. Okay.
That’s not how I really wanted to say that. So, then I stop and I pause and I go, how did I want to say it and how can I rephrase it so it’s said the way that’s really in congruent with me and with my frequency and with my residents? And so slowing down and paying attention to your thoughts and the words you speak out loud and asking yourself, is that what you really meant to say? And if it’s not what you meant to say, cancel it and resay what you really meant to say or sit and meditate on it because you might not know exactly how you’re meant to say it and how you want to say it.
And journaling is going to be a way to get out your emotions and your thoughts without having to hurt someone else’s feelings. And so you can work through all of the unprocessed stuff that you haven’t been able to process out loud in a safe space, and then it will allow you to actually communicate differently when you are in conversation with someone. Or you’re in just conversation with yourself, you can start thinking about things that you desire versus processing the day or the conversations that you had. And they’re saying it’s crucial, and you can also use this black diamond energy. Just call it in. Just say, I’m calling in the black diamond energy to help me wash out these thoughts that don’t serve my highest good. And then breathe it in, exhale it out, and you’re complete. It’s really that simple.
Linda Lang:
And be willing to let it go.
Amy Robeson:
Yes. You have to. Yeah, be willing to let it go.
Linda Lang:
Yeah. Perfect. Perfect. You must have been reading my mind because I was going to ask you for a suggestion when people do say something that they didn’t mean it, or it came out the wrong way, how they could shift the energy. So your cancel exercise looked after that perfectly.
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. So cancel it. Just pull that black diamond energy in. I also teach a method where it’s like you catch the thought, you feel feel the feeling that’s attached to the thought, then you cancel the thought, and then you choose a different feeling, and then you feel that feeling. And so part of this is really important is to actually process what you are feeling so then you can choose something different that’s more empowering.
Linda Lang:
Exactly. And if you don’t process your feelings, they get stuck in there and become a pattern.
Amy Robeson:
Or they cause illness.
Linda Lang:
Amy Robeson:
They cause illness. They cause dis-ease within the body, and it shows up and manifests its way in different ways. Some people injure themselves. Some people get very, very sick. Just depends. Depends on how you process.
Linda Lang:
Been a very interesting conversation with you today, Amy. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for checking the Records for me.
Amy Robeson:
You’re welcome, my dear. Thanks for having me on.
Linda Lang:
Now, where can we send people who’d like to know more about the work you do?
Amy Robeson:
Yeah. So you can go to my website, www.theamyrobessin.com, which is t-h-e-a-m-y-r-o-b-e-s-o-n.com. I have 20 + free healings. I usually have a free event going on once a month. We do, like, random group free Akashic Record readings. Every season change, I do a healing that’s free. So… or you can check out my podcast, which is Awakening with Amy Robeson. It’s on all the streaming channels as well.
Linda Lang:
Thank you so much for being my guest today, Amy.
Amy Robeson:
Thank you for having me. This was so much fun.
Linda Lang:
And thank you for listening to this week’s episode of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. You will find all of our conversations on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, on Spotify. Come visit me at www.ThoughtChange.com to see what energy medicine can do for you. Pick up your copy of Learning to Listen, and we will see you again next time. Bye for now.