Are you are struggling with a chronic health condition,
have a personal or family history
of cancer, heart disease or other illness?
Experience energy medicine as a powerful tool to assist healing on every level.
Empower yourself with
Health Alchemy from the Inside Out
We’ll work with your Unconscious
& High Vibration Spiritual Energy
to Balance & Heal
This package includes:
1) Healing through Energetic Release
You’ll be guided through a 2 part process to uncover & RELEASE layers of:
- Unresolved emotions ~ including Anger, Grief, Fear, Guilt & Shame
- Limiting beliefs, patterns, vows, oaths & contracts
You’ll see the power of the unconscious mind and have a tangible experience of energy work!
You will become aware of your emotional and thought baggage without having to re-experience to let them go.
Over 2 hours of energy healing you can use over and over again!
2) Healing through Forgiveness
You’ll be guided through a forgiveness process to:
- Find forgiveness for yourself and others
- Cut the energetic cords that connect you to people and ancestors that are impacting your health
- Release entities & energetic attachments
Receive all healing audios for only
only $144
I participated in Linda’s Health Alchemy from the Inside Out – which is all about releasing emotions! I thought at first it was not ‘doing’ anything. Then at the last part I saw this wonderful white light and a beautiful unicorn. It brought tears to my eyes as I started releasing some very deep emotions. Linda’s techniques are amazing and I am so grateful that I was able to participate in this incredible energy release. She made me feel safe and it was like magic. Thank you so much Linda. ~ Valerie