Can Your Mind Heal Your Body?
December 22, 2024Dive into the mystical transition from the Piscean age to the Age of Aquarius with long-time metaphysical student and author, Phoenix Rose, on this week’s episode of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life.
Phoenix shares profound insights into what this cosmic shift means for humanity and how we can navigate it with grace and optimism. Here are three uplifting takeaways for you:
🔹 Embrace Change and Innovation: Understand that the Age of Aquarius is characterized by unprecedented innovation in science and technology. Discover how these advancements, from AI to space exploration, are paving the way for a hopeful future filled with cooperation and humanitarianism.
🔹 Develop Intuition as Your Soul’s GPS: Phoenix emphasizes the importance of intuition during this transformative period. Learn how tuning into your inner guidance can elevate your consciousness and align you with the higher vibrational energies of the Aquarian age.
🔹 Harness Positive Thoughts and Hope: Dive into Phoenix’s empowering acronyms—HOPE: Holding Only Positive Expectation, and HEART: Harmonious Empathy Always Rings True. These simple yet profound concepts can instill within you a more optimistic and heartfelt perspective on life, crucial for navigating these times of change.
Through poetry, prose, and personal anecdotes, Phoenix Rose brings the hopeful message that even amid birthing pains, we are moving towards a brighter, more connected future. She reveals these transformative ideas in her book, Hope and Heart: A Quantum Leap into the Aquarian Age, encouraging us all to see the beauty in change.
Tune in to this inspiring episode with Phoenix Rose and discover how to align yourself with the uplifting energies of the Aquarian age. Let his wisdom and positivity guide you through these transformative times. Don’t miss out on the path to personal and collective awakening! 🌟
Phoenix Rose:
It’s a birthing process, and it can be a painful thing. So we need to strap ourselves into our seatbelts and try to realize that change has always been there.
Announcer: Welcome to Exploring the Mystical Side of Life with your host, Linda Lang.
Linda Lang: Hi. This is Linda Lang from We are Exploring the Mystical Side of Life once again this week. If you enjoy our conversations, remember to subscribe, and share with a friend. Today, I have Phoenix Rose with me. Phoenix is a long-time metaphysical student. We’re going to have a conversation today about the age of Aquarius.
Linda Lang:
Welcome, Phoenix.
Phoenix Rose:
Greetings, Linda. I’m so gratified to be here. Welcome to everybody and this New Year. I look forward to good things and we need to have hope and heart in our minds and in our actions because thoughts are things.
Linda Lang:
Thoughts are things, for sure. So we’re told we’re in the age of Aquarius and it doesn’t feel like we’ve hit the promised land yet. Can you talk a little bit about the birthing pains and the transition space that we’re in before we can actually actualize those golden years?
Phoenix Rose:
It’s an interesting concept, this idea of moving from one age to another, but there’s something called the precession of the equinoxes. And this is where there’s… each age is over 21,000 years long, and we’re just ending the Piscean age. This works backward, reverse, and counterclockwise of the way the zodiac works. So we’re moving from the Piscean age back to the… or now forward to the… Aquarian Age. And there’s no set time as to when this actually begins. It’s an astronomical thing. So, some people say that it happened back in the ’60s, and we all may remember that wonderful song from the 5th dimension called The Age of Aquarius. We’re at the dawn of the age of Aquarius.
Phoenix Rose:
And other people say, astronomers in particular say it’s, it’s more like in 2020 when we had that conjunction in December of 2020 and, that the energies have shifted. But it’s a slow birth. It doesn’t happen overnight, and it can be uncomfortable for us. We like, we like comfort. We, don’t like change so much, as the human race. So we tend to resist those kinds of energies. And the good thing is that the age of Aquarius has the portends of bringing new innovations in science and technology. And we’re already seeing that with AI and with SpaceX and trying to go to the moon and maybe to Mars, eventually.
Phoenix Rose:
But it’s a time of hope and cooperation, and these are the astronomical sides of it. The Aquarian age brings those, those energies with it, as the the planet Uranus is associated with the sign of Aquarius, which is an air sign. And it’s pouring the energies of hope and aspiration and tolerance and humanitarianism. And I say brotherly love, but somebody said siblinghood is a better word than brotherhood because it’s inclusive of both genders and everybody. So it’s bringing humanity together so that we can love one another and have that more utopian kind of promise that the Aquarian age might bring. It’s a, it’s a birthing process, and it can be a painful thing. So we need to strap ourselves into our seat belts and, try to realize that change has always been there. As the ancient Greek philosopher, Heraclitus said, “All there is is change.” We need to be willing to let go of old ideas and re-program some of our own thinking.
Phoenix Rose:
The National Science Institute says that there is an average of 10,000 to 60,000 thoughts that we have every day, And 95% of those are repetitions of what we’ve already been thinking. So we’re, we’re sort of stuck in a rut, and we need to be able to release some of these old thoughts and realize that it’s okay to change.
Linda Lang:
Because how can you bring anything new in if you’re constantly thinking the same old thoughts? Right?
Phoenix Rose:
That’s right. We need to have an open mind and realize that creativity and innovation come to us, and inspiration comes to us from our higher inner self. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in each incarnation that we have, and we need to grow and stretch. So in order to do that, we have to keep an open mind and listen to the inner self, which is forever trying to send us messages. And we tend to negate those and say no, no, no. Our ego mind takes over and says you know, I know the way to do this, and we override what our inner self, which really knows what the higher self, our path to Source, is trying to tell us.
Linda Lang:
Do you think we’ll ever get it? Like, will that light bulb ever go on?
Phoenix Rose:
Well, as I tell my kids, I told them in the past, that the only way to eat an elephant, which is like a new thought, is one bite at a time. It’s a slow transition, and we need to trust our inner selves and develop that.
Linda Lang:
One of the things that you recommend to people to help them through this transition time is to really develop their intuition. Why do you think that’s so important for the age we’re moving into?
Phoenix Rose:
I listen sometimes to IONS, the Institute of Noetic Sciences. And one of the things I heard them say is that intuition is the GPS of the soul. So when you think about that, GPS is how we find a location that we want to go to in the material world. In the spiritual world, if we listen to our intuition, that is going to get us to our higher consciousness, a higher level of consciousness.
Linda Lang:
And you mentioned hope that this is a time where we’re moving into more hope. So many people don’t have a lot of hope. They’re very uncertain about our path forward. So I love the definition that you’ve created for hope. Perhaps you could share that and explain a little bit about how that can trigger a more positive view forward?
Phoenix Rose:
I’ve written a book called Hope and Heart, A Quantum Leap into the Aquarian Age. And for the words Hope and Heart, I’ve created acronyms. HOPRE might be an acronym for Holding Only Positive Expectation.
Linda Lang:
And that’s something we can all do. We can all do that.
Phoenix Rose:
Yes, and HEART can stand for Harmonious Empathy Always Rings True. We know when somebody is we have a gut feeling if somebody’s telling us the truth, if they’re sincere. We know when somebody’s not being sincere. And so hope and heart are 2 things that are really in our DNA. We should listen to our inner self as much as possible. But I wrote this book, it’s a poetry and prose anthology. The first part of the book is poetry, and the second part is prose.
Linda Lang:
Poetry is kind of interesting actually, Phoenix, because it’s not as mainstream as maybe other times in history. Tell me why you decided to do that instead of just a regular book.
Phoenix Rose:
Poetry is a way to express emotions and feelings that we have and to get a reaction hopefully from other people and to get them thinking about what they might be able to create. We are all creative beings and it’s, it’s really important if we’re created in the image of the Source or God, whatever you want to call the ultimate Creator of everything. To be in the image of God, so to speak is to be creative. There is a creative impulse within each of us. We want to try and accomplish something, to do something, to give something. And poetry is just what I found, an easy way for me to do that.
Linda Lang:
Maybe this would be a good place to have a little taste of the poetry.
Phoenix Rose:
This is called “If Only.” If having less would mean being more, what would we be willing to give up? Is material stuff enough? Or would we imagine something else could fill our cup so that it runneth over and we see a different thing might be at our core? If we meditate, envision, and then glean that happiness is of our mind’s creation, that love is more than just a kiss or sex, and happiness shifts with focalization until true love’s seen as something that connects us back to Source and its creative theme. If only we would reconnect with nature, seeing beauty and perfection in each view. If only we would truly love our neighbor. If we’d forgive all slights and rather sculpt and craft a tolerance of peace anew, humanity might once again have more.
Linda Lang:
Oh, that’s beautiful. So Phoenix, you mentioned that this is a path where science and spirituality start to come together. Let’s talk about some of these shifts in science that are really shifting the way we experience life.
Phoenix Rose:
Since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by nature. I’ve loved animals and the sea and the mind, how things work. I never could decide what I wanted to focus on. Anyhow, I found mysticism. And I found an article back in 1999 called Quantum Mysticism. In it, physicist James Jeans, who was a contemporary of Einstein, said that the universe appears to be more of a great thought and less of a great machine. Now science has always said that they had the answers to everything, and they really don’t. They don’t really know what energy, what electricity is. We use electricity all the time, but they don’t know what it is.
Phoenix Rose:
But consciousness has come into the view of science now, and that has come because of quantum physics. Quantum physics has been around for over 100 years, but it’s really not very well understood until more recently. James James, in this article that I read, said, as I mentioned, that the universe is more like a great thought than a great machine. And this sounded like what mystics have been saying for centuries. Another thing he said in this article is that consciousness is a quantum process. Now mainstream science says that consciousness comes as an epi, so-called epiphenomenon, from the brain through upward causation from immaterial quantum particles that become particles somehow, and then they become atoms, and then they become molecules and tissues and organs and brain. And then somehow consciousness comes from out of the brain. And quantum physics is saying no.
Phoenix Rose:
No. No. No. It’s the other way around. Consciousness is the source of science. Science comes out of consciousness; everything is consciousness ultimately. So that’s just flipping what material scientists have said. And you can imagine that mainstream science, many of them do not accept this.
Phoenix Rose:
But there is a whole group of theoretical quantum physicists who are paradigm thinkers, new paradigm thinkers, and realize that the world is at a crossroads, which is part of this Aquarian shift. We have to start understanding that quantum is the new king. Quantum physics is saying it’s consciousness that is it. It’s the new thing that everybody needs to jump on that bandwagon. James James also said we are all individual lights in this, in this world that we, in this universe that we live in. And he said that each individual consciousness, which represents 7,000,000,000 plus people, is actually individual light, and that they are like individual cells in a universal mind. So, wow! That is, that’s just an amazing thought that we are contributing to what the universe is becoming.
Linda Lang:
Amazing, but it’s also scary when you think of people thinking the same thoughts over and over again, and so many people are not projecting their thoughts with hope and possibility.
Phoenix Rose:
And we have responsibility. We need to have positive intentions in what our thoughts are because we are creative beings, and our thoughts our thoughts create things. There’s a there’s another poem, which I believe I know by heart from a 19th century or early 20th century poet named Ella Wheeler Wilcox, and it’s entitled, You Can Never Tell. “You can never tell what a thought will bring in sending you hate or love, for thoughts are things, and their airy wings are swifter than carrier doves. They follow the law of the universe. Each thing must create its own kind. They followed the track to bring you back whatever went out from your mind.” So we need to be careful of what we think.
Phoenix Rose:
Have positive thoughts. Don’t drag yourself down with negativity and naysaying. We must move past that tendency to be so hard on ourselves, and have positive intention in what we are thinking.
Linda Lang:
Do you have any suggestions, Phoenix, of how people can actually do that? Like, it’s one thing to say it, and it’s one thing to even want to do it. And yet, when the mind starts to spiral down, do you have any tricks that can help stop it in its path and just give you that little bit of space where you can consciously choose that you don’t want to go there… or maybe you do?
Phoenix Rose:
If you are in a conversation with somebody who is really negative, you can end the conversation for one thing. You can say, “Oh, I’m sorry. I just remembered I have to do x, y, or z,” and say, you know, “We’ll talk another time.” Or you can confront them and ask them, well, “Why do you feel that way?” Assuming this is a conversation, of course.
Linda Lang:
If that conversation is with yourself, it’s a little trickier.
Phoenix Rose:
This is true. So meditation is a way to go within, to calm yourself, stop and take 3 deep cleansing breaths, and bring yourself into a state of calm and centered being. Meditation is definitely something that I do every day, and it is the best way to calm oneself and clear the negativity that’s in there. There’s another, another thought. Have you ever heard of morning pages of writing stream of consciousness writing? When I moved to Canada from the States, my husband gave me a book by Julia Cameron called The Artist’s Way. And it’s about the creativity that each of us has. Here’s creativity again. So Julia talks about writing 3 pages, not typewritten, handwritten pages every morning of stream of consciousness.
Phoenix Rose:
Now you’re not going to use this for writing necessarily. This is just to clear the monkey chatter that’s in your brain and mind and to allow your inner well where, your muse can speak to you and release what we all have within us, which is creativity. So believe that you have this creativity within yourself by quieting yourself and finding a quiet space every day. Be with nature. That is one of the most important things. We’ve, we all think about, well, we’ve gotta get out in nature. We are part of nature. Nature is within us.
Phoenix Rose:
We can’t escape nature. So realize that we have within our power. It takes focus. It takes a letting go at the same time as we have this focus once we’ve centered our self through meditation. So those are the best ways I know how to get to listening to ourselves.
Linda Lang:
I think there’s another trick that I’ll use sometimes and that is changing perspective. In that, if things look very bleak, let’s say, you can narrow your focus down to something, like some minute, like a delicate flower and you’ll see so much beauty and perfection within that flower. And if you’re looking at your life in the details and it’s messy, you can put your perspective out further as if you’re looking at the whole world, or the whole Milky Way, or the whole universe that looks so beautiful and magnificent. So it can switch your mindset.
Phoenix Rose:
The macrocosm, which is the greater universe, and the microcosm, which is man. And you’re absolutely right. If we take time to just focus on something that is small and within us and expand it, let it get bigger and encompass our whole mind. This is a beautiful thing and focusing on a candle, or a flower as you said, or a sunset, just again, being in nature. my book, the poetry section is divided into 6 themes, and they’re all uplifting and positive. They start with nature, and then there’s a theme of innocence, going within, of love, aspiration, and joy. And in the second section is the prose. And in that is one short story, which is the only fiction that’s in my book.
Phoenix Rose:
The others are commentaries. The one major commentary I have is entitled Quantum Hope, A Paradigm Shift in Science. I try to explain in everyday language how this quantum understanding in science is theoretical and is becoming more mainstream, but how it allows us to shift and appreciate all the changes that are going on and how they may be unsettling because change is hard for us to accept, but it’s going to expand our love of one another and that ultimate Aquarian energy and bring us peace.
Linda Lang:
Phoenix, is there anything else you’d like to share with our listeners today?
Phoenix Rose:
Yes, Linda. I want to emphasize that the answers are all within us. Our higher self knows exactly what we need, And there is, a lovely metaphor that is actually represented in the story of Dorothy going to Oz. She and her friends, the Tin Man, the lion, and the scarecrow, all found within themselves the very thing they were looking for. It’s a metaphor for a journey within yourself, which is what this earth experience is all about. So the the lion had the courage all already there. The Tin Man had a heart and the scarecrow had the mind that he thought he had to get from some Oz God. And Dorothy had her shoes that she could click together so she could bring those positive and negative energies together to move forward to where she needed to go, which was home, her greatest home, sweet home.
Linda Lang:
Beautiful. That’s beautiful. And what a wonderful message it is to leave our listeners with.
Phoenix Rose:
Thank you.
Linda Lang:
Where can we send people who’d like to know more about your book?
Phoenix Rose:
Yes. I have a website, My website has a review page, and I’m happy to say I have a review from theoretical quantum physicist, Dr. Amit Goswami, who has said that it’s consciousness not matter that is the ground of all being.
Linda Lang:
Perfect. Thank you, Phoenix, for being my guest.
Phoenix Rose:
Oh, thank you so much, Linda.
Linda Lang:
Thank you for listening to this week’s edition of Exploring the Mystical Side of Life. You will find all of our conversations on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform. Come visit me at to learn how energy medicine can help you shift your thoughts and create something different in your life. That’s it for this week. We’ll see you again next time. Bye for now.