Opening the Creative Door - Thought Change

Opening the Creative Door

Relax… and Let the Magic Happen
September 22, 2015
Being Well on Many Levels
February 19, 2016
Relax… and Let the Magic Happen
September 22, 2015
Being Well on Many Levels
February 19, 2016


Lately the Universe has been sending me the same message loud and clear. Creativity! Creativity! Creativity! Telling me that through my creativeness, I open the field of possibilities, inspirations and find passion for life.

After all, we are by nature creative beings. Every sentence you speak, every thought you think, you have created. Every morning you create your day, deciding what to wear, what to eat for breakfast, what route to take to work, and how you are going to fill each moment of your day. Every day.

It’s just that most of these decisions become routine. Life becomes mundane when we create similar experiences over and over again. Then it seems like we live our life sleepwalking. A little routine is fine—sometimes it’s nice not having to think about things. But routine quickly becomes habit, and habits can be hard to break. Life becomes predictable.

creative-cubesYou were designed to be a creative being. If your work does not inspire you, then adding imagination to your day is even more important. It will help to balance out the routine and bring your life more joy.

The thing about creativity is that the more you open the door to it, the more it flows. And as you become more aligned with your own creativity, the more passionate and inspired you become. You feel purpose. Life becomes fun, more like an adventure than a script or a chore.

It will help you discern what you like, love and dislike. Create by following your joy and you will open up to new possibilities, new opportunities, and new paths. Your ability to manifest is part of your inherent creative nature. Why not manifest with joy?

So maybe it’s time to shake things up a little?

There are many ways to bring more creativity to your day—simple, easy ways.

  • Pick up your pen and paper and write. Journal your day, your dreams, your desires. Tell a story. Or just sit for 5 minutes and write the thoughts that flow through you. Make sure you write , not print. Hand writing is a great way to access your unconscious mind and receive inspiration and guidance. You might surprise yourself at what comes through. Know that typing or keyboarding are not the same thing!


  • Doodle… just for fun. It doesn’t have to look like anything or represent anything, but it can if you want it to. If you are inspired to try your hand at drawing or painting, perfect. You can even find adult colouring books these days, and they are gaining popularity for ability to relieve stress.


  • Experiment with cooking. On the days you have extra time, try a new recipe or make some whimsical adjustments to your old favourites. Food is a great way to play and be creative.


  • Even the most mundane chore has room for creativity. Change your routine!. Consider mixing things up when you clean, adding a little music, repositioning your knick knacks when you dust or mowing your lawn in a different pattern. Be adventurous.


  • Create a technology dead time zone in your day. For a few minutes every day, turn off your phone, your computer and your TV. Inspire yourself. Find a way to immerse yourself in your creative flow for a few minutes every day.


Find a way that works for you but doesn’t feel like work. Remember creativity is fun! It has no rules and no limits.




Originally published in The Magic Happens…


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