Water Reading - Thought Change

Water Reading

Manifestation Essence
February 10, 2014
Are You Being Called into Expansion?
February 21, 2014
Manifestation Essence
February 10, 2014
Are You Being Called into Expansion?
February 21, 2014


Yesterday I went to a water reading.  I’d never heard of water readings before, and the idea intrigued me.


On the table sat a crystal bowl filled with water. I was instructed to put my fingertips in the water and wiggle them about a bit to instill my energy vibration in it.  The intuitive then held her hands over the bowl to receive messages.  It was an interesting experience…


She had never met me before and didn’t know anything about me, yet she described me as a lightworker, and saw lots of people coming to me that had some darkness or heavy energy, and they came to me so I could “shake them awake” and lighten them. In this way, their eyes could open to a different way of being.  This was great confirmation for the work that I do.


Some interesting words of wisdom came through, like “Thoughts matter… because thoughts become matter”, and “What you feed is what you get!”  Both of these phrases match really well with the transformative work I do.  Your thoughts and emotions create your life experience. And you can significantly improve your life by changing your perceptions and letting go old emotional issues.


The reading also described a calm peaceful energy that I carry, and understanding of energy, and the awareness that I have a passion for this work I do to help others.


I really enjoyed my water reading…


water drop

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